Ryukyu dog
Dog Breeds

Ryukyu dog

Characteristics of Ryukyu dog

Country of originJapan
The sizeAverage
Growth43–50 cm
Weight15–20 kg
Age12–14 years old
FCI breed groupnot recognized
Ryukyu dog Characteristics

Brief information

  • Friendly, devoted;
  • Attached to the territory;
  • Rare breed.


Ryukyu Inu or simply Ryukyu, like most other Japanese dog breeds, is named after its habitat. Animals were known in the northern part of the island of Okinawa, as well as on the island of Yaeyama in the Ryukyu archipelago.

Not much is known about the history of this breed. Its main purpose was to hunt wild boar and poultry. Hunting instincts can be traced in its representatives today. World War II nearly wiped out the Ryukyu population. Saved the breed by chance. In the 1980s, a group of aboriginal dogs was discovered, which was genetically far from European and American, and even from other Japanese breeds. Animals were involved in breeding, and it was they who became the ancestors of modern Ryukyu. Today in Japan there is a society for the protection and promotion of this amazing breed.

Interestingly, the claws on the paws of the ryukyu allow them to climb trees. Researchers believe that this feature appeared in them as a result of numerous tsunamis that hit the Japanese islands. There was nowhere for the dogs to escape except in a tall tree.


Despite their rather intimidating appearance, the Ryukyu is a friendly and human-oriented breed. This is a devoted friend and companion who has retained a bit of aboriginality.

Dogs of this breed are attached to the territory, which makes them good guards. In addition, they do not trust strangers and behave with them pointedly coldly.

Ryukyu are intelligent and quick-witted when it comes to training. But they can also demonstrate autonomy and independence if they get tired of the learning process. Therefore, it is very important to find a common language with the dog, to encourage the desired behavior and not pay attention to the destructive. In no case should you yell at your pet and even more so punish him physically. This undermines the trust between the animal and its owner.

The hunting instinct of the ryukyu does not allow him to get along in the same house with birds, small rodents, and sometimes cats. An exception may be the situation when the puppy grows up surrounded by cats.Ryukyu is loyal to children, but the dog is unlikely to endure pranks and childish rudeness, albeit unintentional. Therefore, the communication of the baby with the pet should be under the supervision of adults.

Ryukyu dog Care

Short haired dog comb out every two to three days during the molting season and once a week the rest of the time. It is also recommended to check weekly teeth and ears favorite, and cut claws as needed.

Conditions of detention

Ryukyu is a freedom-loving dog. At home, he most often lives in the courtyard of a private house, in an aviary or in free range. So the content in the apartment will suit him only if the owner is ready to spend at least two to three hours a day on the street.

Ryukyu dog – Video

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