Rotala Zyalai
Rotala Gialay, scientific name Rotala rotundifolia, variety “Gia Lai”. It is one of the natural forms of Rotala rotundifolia. It is named after the region where it was first discovered – the province of Gia Lai (in English it sounds like Gia Lai), in the central highlands in Vietnam. Sometimes the prefix “H’Ra” is used – the name of the village where the first samples were collected.
The underwater form looks like a red Rotala (Rotala rotundifolia “Colorata”), due to a similar shape and reddish or orange color of the leaves. However, Rotala Gialai has a narrower leaf blade, and the plant itself tends to grow horizontally overhanging similarly to the closely related variety of Rotala green (Rotala rotundifolia “Green”).
In favorable conditions, sprouts can reach 20-80 cm, so, depending on the size of the aquarium, they should be placed in the middle or background.
The surface form loses its red hues, and the leaves become rounded and thickened.
The content is quite simple, due to the ability of this plant to grow successfully in a wide range of temperatures and values of hydrochemical parameters. However, Rotala Zealai looks best in warm, slightly acidic water. Red colors appear under intense light in a nutrient-rich environment.