Rotala Enye
Types of Aquarium Plants

Rotala Enye

Rotala Enye, scientific name Rotala sp. Enie comes from South East Asia. Belongs to the type of long-stemmed aquarium plants. In favorable conditions, the sprouts reach 20–40 cm, therefore, depending on the size of the aquarium, it is recommended to place them in the middle or background. It branches weakly, but forms many side shoots, forming dense thickets.

Rotala Enye

As mentioned above, Rotala Enye develops a relatively tall stem with good flexibility. The color depends on growing conditions and varies from brick red to burgundy. The leaves are thin needle-shaped, arranged 6-8 pieces per whorl, forming a kind of brush. The color also depends on the environment, acquiring green, yellow, orange and red hues.

The content is not the easiest. For healthy growth, nutritious soil, warm soft water and a high degree of illumination are sufficient. It is under such conditions that red colors appear.

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