Rotala Walliha
Types of Aquarium Plants

Rotala Walliha

Rotala wallichii, scientific name Rotala wallichii. It comes from the mild acidic waters of Southeast Asia. The plant has a long stem up to 40 cm high, dotted with many needle-like leaves. In favorable conditions, it acquires bright colors from pink, orange, to deep red. The closer to the surface, the more intense the color. It is not uncommon to form surface purple inflorescences. If we draw an analogy, it outwardly resembles an elegant brush for brushing off dust with a diameter of about 4 cm.

Rotala Walliha

Growing in an aquarium is fraught with a number of difficulties and is hardly within the power of novice aquarists. It is necessary to provide a high level of illumination and a balanced composition of minerals. The most important elements for normal growth are nitrates at a concentration of no more than 10–15 mg per liter, as well as phosphates at 1–2 mg per liter. The iron content in the soil, along with the light intensity, directly affect the color of the leaves. The introduction of carbon dioxide is considered mandatory.

Rotala wallich propagates with the help of daughter lateral shoots growing next to the mother plant. You can also cut off the upper part and place the separated fragment in the ground. Soon roots will appear from it.

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