Rotala red
Rotala red, scientific name Rotala rotundifolia, a variety of “Colorata”. It is an artificially bred variation of Rotala rotundifolia. Unlike the mother plant, it develops narrow linear leaves with an intense red coloration with orange or pink hues that shows up even in moderate light conditions.
Able to grow above water on wet substrates. The terrestrial form differs markedly from the underwater one. The leaves are shortened and rounded, acquiring a green color. Red shades are preserved on the stems and in the internodes.
Tends to horizontal, somewhat curved or overhanging growth. Forms dense bushes that can be easily divided. Due to its red color it goes well with green plants. Grows fast. It can reach up to 80 cm in height, so it is advisable to place it in the middle or background, depending on the size of the tank.
The content is simple. The plant is undemanding to growth conditions. Feels equally comfortable at low and high temperatures, and can also adapt to a wide range of pH and dH values.