Removal of tartar in dogs

Removal of tartar in dogs

Gum disease is easier to prevent than to cure. The most common cause of inflammation is tartar, which prevents the gums from fitting tightly to the teeth. As a rule, it occurs if the dog does not receive enough solid food (whole carrots, apples, crackers, etc.)

If solid food is not suitable for your dog, you should brush your dog’s teeth regularly (at least once a week) with a cotton swab containing tooth powder (unflavored only) or a special dog toothpaste. Then the teeth are rubbed and polished with a soft cloth.

If tartar has already appeared, it must be removed mechanically. 

  1. Keep your dog still and hold his face firmly with one hand. 
  2. With the same hand, lift your lip at the same time. 
  3. With a special hook for removing tartar (scaler) in the other hand, gently move the gum with the working part of the instrument.
  4. Place the scaler between the tartar and the gum, press firmly against the tooth and hold parallel to it. 
  5. Remove tartar with a vertical movement.

 Removal of tartar is a necessary procedure, because it can cause suffering to your four-legged friend and is often the cause of stench from the dog’s mouth. It is better if large stones are removed by a veterinarian. Sometimes general anesthesia is used for this procedure. An ideal means for preventing the formation of tartar has not yet been invented.

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