Rabbits are harder than you think

Rabbits are harder than you think

Many people believe that rabbits are primitive creatures that can live their whole lives in a cage. However, this is not the case. Rabbits are far more complex creatures than you might think.

Rabbits are harder than you think

Scientists at the University of Edinburgh (UK) are studying the behavior of rabbits and urge all owners to treat their pets more carefully. Because rabbits, like other living things, have needs that need to be met.

Having a companion

One of the requirements for keeping rabbits is the presence of a company. Rabbits are social animals, and for a full life they need relatives. Rabbits can be sterilized (castrated), and in this case you do not have to think about what to do with a huge number of rabbits.

Mandatory “out”

Often rabbits live in cramped cages, unable to leave them. And they see the world only through bars. However, rabbits need to be able to move freely, explore the space, eat grass (and from floor level). The rabbit eats, moving from one point to another, looking for the necessary plants, and it is necessary to provide the pet with this option.

Rabbits living in cages are also forced to practically sit on their waste products, which causes them a lot of stress. Indeed, normally, rabbits do not relieve themselves where they eat and sleep. Also, in nature, tags attract predators, which is another reason why rabbits need to be as far away from them as possible – and for rabbits living in captivity, this is another reason for stress.

The cage also keeps the rabbits from stretching, which is also extremely important for their well-being.

Correct diet

Another weak point in keeping rabbits is the diet.

In nature, rabbits mostly eat grass. Most of us do not have the opportunity to provide our pet with fresh grass all year round, but we can give hay instead. And this should form the basis of feeding rabbits.

Unfortunately, many people choose to feed their rabbits grains with bits of fruit added, but this is not a normal diet for a rabbit. Hence – problems with the gastrointestinal tract and teeth. And also obesity, because such food is too high in calories.

You can also give twigs from fruit trees (such as apple trees) to your rabbits for them to chew on.

An enriched environment is the cure for boredom

It is equally important to enrich the environment of the rabbit so that he does not get bored. For example, hide some of the food or put it in maze toys so that the animal has fun by getting food for itself.

You can put a box in the cage that the rabbit can jump on or climb into when he wants to hide.

Rabbits may not be the most intelligent animals, but they can be easily taught some fun tricks with positive reinforcement. For example, a rabbit may come running to you when you call or whistle, stand on its hind legs, stretch out its front paw, run in circles, etc.

Rabbits are unobtrusive and easy to forget about. However, they are much more advanced beings than many are used to thinking. And we must not forget about their needs.

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