Puppy’s first days in a new home
Is there a puppy in your house? So you are truly lucky! Now you have a best friend. But before you become inseparable water, you need to help the baby get comfortable in a new place and establish contact with him. Why is it important? How to behave with a new family member?
Puppy stress when moving
Moving to a new home is a huge stress for a puppy.
Just imagine: quite recently, the baby was lying under his mother’s side among his brothers and sisters, all the smells were familiar and familiar to him, and he did not even suspect that very soon everything would change dramatically. And now he is torn out of his usual environment and brought to a new room with strange (still) smells. Mom and puppies are not around, but there are strangers who literally choke in their arms. What do you think the puppy is experiencing?
A little time will pass, and he will definitely understand that he is in his real home, where he is loved and taken care of. But now he is in shock. Yes, yes, in shock. He will need time to adapt. And the task of a responsible owner is to contribute to this!
Your further relationship depends on the emotions that the puppy will experience when he first meets a new territory and people. Will he be happy in his new home? Will he trust you 100% or avoid you? All in your hands!
Why is stress dangerous?
Due to severe stress, the puppy falls into apathy or, conversely, strong excitement. His sleep worsens, his appetite worsens, he may refuse water. Longing for their mother, puppies often whine and behave restlessly. Against the background of strong experiences, babies lose weight and quickly weaken.
The puppy’s body is not yet formed, it needs a huge amount of energy for proper development. That is why severe stress is contraindicated. Due to sleep disorders and malnutrition, the puppy will not be able to develop harmoniously and will start to get sick.
If your puppy is not feeling well, contact your veterinarian.
stress factors
What are the most common causes of stress in a puppy?
Separation from mother and other puppies
Sudden change in diet
Sudden changes in conditions of detention
New people and pets
Strong odors, loud noises
Check-ups at the veterinarian, unfamiliar care procedures, etc.
Moderate stress when moving to a new home is normal. But the owner must help the puppy to adapt to a new place so that the stressful state passes quickly and without consequences.
How to do it?
How to adapt a puppy to a new home?
Prepare for the arrival of the puppy in advance. How to do this, we told in the article “”.
Make sure you buy everything you need for the puppy. This is necessary so that you do not have to urgently run for shopping or, for example, urgently look for a round-the-clock veterinary pharmacy. List of required here: “”.
In a home first aid kit, it will not be superfluous to have a safe antioxidant (for example, Mexidol-Vet), which will help the body cope with stress and restore cellular respiration of the tissues of a growing organism.
Take from the breeder some toy or cloth soaked in the smell of the puppy’s mother. At home, put this item on your pet’s bed. Thanks to the familiar smell, the puppy will be calmer.
Take at least a few days off. Leaving a baby all alone in an unfamiliar apartment is very cruel. He needs your unobtrusive care!
Act as an observer. The main task is to keep the puppy safe while he is exploring the new environment. Don’t interfere unnecessarily.
Teach your children how to properly handle a pet. For the first time, their communication with the puppy is recommended to be limited. It is better to isolate the puppy from other pets (if you have them).
In the first days in a new home, do not disturb the baby in vain. If you wanted to invite friends or relatives to get acquainted with the puppy, it is better to do this no earlier than in 2-3 weeks. Once in a new environment, he will be afraid of everything around. He has yet to get used to you and other family members, to his place. In addition, the puppy’s immune system in the first weeks “learns” to perceive new living conditions, studies new water, air, microflora of the environment in which the puppy now lives. It is also important to understand in what period the puppy should be vaccinated and revaccinated against rabies. If this procedure coincides with the first weeks of the puppy’s stay in a new home, it is extremely important to take into account the quarantine time and postpone the visit of friends and relatives until the puppy is fully strengthened. If strangers show up in the house, this will increase the stress and anxiety of the puppy, and also put the puppy’s health at risk at the time of adaptation to new conditions.
Do not change the puppy’s diet (if possible). At first, he needs to be given the same food that he received from the breeder. It is also worth listening to the nutritional recommendations given by the breeder. If you still need to change the diet, then the transition to a new food should be smooth, so as not to increase stress.
First, it is enough to keep the puppy in one room (in one room), and then gradually introduce him to the rest of the house.
When the puppy is looking for a place to use the toilet, carefully carry him to the diapers. Be patient: he will soon learn to do it himself.
Decide if you will let your dog jump on the bed. If yes, you can immediately take the puppy to you. But if not, it’s better not to even try.
Puppies in a new place often whine. Why this happens and how to deal with it, we told in the article “”.

A visit to the veterinary clinic and any procedures that can increase stress (bathing, trimming of claws, etc.), if possible, do not earlier than 3 days after the move.
Treat your baby with healthy treats, indulge in new toys to distract him from his worries.
Already from the first days in the new house, you can smoothly and unobtrusively begin to educate: teach the baby to his nickname and to the basics of behavior. About this in the article ”
Spend as much time as possible with your puppy and try not to leave him all alone. This does not benefit even an adult dog.
The first days in a new home are a responsible and exciting time for both parties. Become support for the baby, be patient and find an approach to him. After all, it will be the basis for your strong happy friendship!