Psychological preparation of the dog and the owner for the exhibition

Psychological preparation of the dog and the owner for the exhibition

Some dogs appear buoyant at the show, while others appear downcast, lethargic, or nervous. In the second case, the dog does not withstand mental and / or physical stress. They also need to be prepared. Preparations begin at least 2 months before the date of the exhibition.

Psychological preparation of the owner and dog for the exhibition

The psychological preparation of the owner and the dog for the exhibition has 2 components: psychological training and physical training.


Psychological and physical training

Add promenades in crowded places (from 30 minutes to 1 hour), playing with other dogs, traveling by train, in cars and city public transport, visiting new places, traveling out of town, hiking in rough terrain to your usual walks. Try to move around a lot (up to 8 hours a day, if possible). But a few days before the show, return the pet to its normal mode (standard walks). Do not just walk tediously, but play with the dog – she should be interested in you. Of course, the load increases gradually. You can increase them if you see that the dog feels good and remains alert.


Your first exhibition: how not to die of fear and not to infect a dog with panic

  • Remember: whatever happens at the exhibition is not a matter of life and death. And your dog is still the best, at least for you.
  • Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. And do not forget about the motto of the great Carlson. The dog is very sensitive to your mood, therefore, having felt the owner’s jitters, it will also tremble.
  • Imagine it’s just a game. It’s a big day, and it doesn’t matter what diagnosis the dog and you are given by the expert.

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