Preparation for breeding parrots

Preparation for breeding parrots

 Breeding parrots at home is quite simple if you follow a number of rules.

Preparation for breeding parrots at home includes a number of actions.

Choose a spacious cage that will fit not only the couple, but their 6 – 8 offspring. It is better if the cell is rectangular and elongated not in height, but in length. Be sure to provide several doors to make it convenient to hang the nest box. When choosing a pair, keep in mind that parrots reach puberty by 4 months, but a bird under 1 year old should not be involved in breeding. The optimal age is 2-8 years. It’s great if you have the opportunity to give your pets a choice, and they will decide for themselves who is best suited as a partner. Parrots are quite faithful spouses, and if they are united, they try not to be separated and are able to distinguish their “soul mate” from other birds. The courtship process is quite touching. 

Preparation for breeding parrots

The best period for nesting is summer and early autumn. The light day is still long, it is quite warm and there is a lot of vitamin feed. If daylight hours are shorter than 14 – 16 hours, you will have to use electric lighting. The air temperature should be kept within + 18 … + 24 degrees. It is better if the nesting house is wooden – for parrots it is more comfortable and natural. The lid of the house should be periodically opened to monitor the condition of the pets. There are horizontal and vertical nests. The diameter of the hole depends on the size of the bird, for budgerigars it is usually 5 cm. A perch is attached under the hole from the outside – so it will be more convenient for the male to feed the female. The bottom of the nesting house should be covered with sawdust. So, the male began courtship, and the female reciprocates. Gradually, the “lady” begins to fly into the nest, equipping it with the help of blades of grass or twigs. However, sometimes the efforts of the male are wasted and the female does not let him. This means that the couple did not find a common language and it is worth finding another partner. If everything goes well, the male starts mating games. Mating occurs several times a day (the female crouches, and the male, climbing on her back, fertilizes). The process takes a few seconds.

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