Prebiotics vs Probiotics: What’s the Difference?
Care and Maintenance

Prebiotics vs Probiotics: What’s the Difference?

Just a few years ago, prebiotics and probiotics were used in human therapy. But today they serve for the benefit of our pets. The popularity of pro- and prebiotics is growing. They are prescribed by veterinarians and recommended by experts. However, a person who has never encountered them has questions. What are pro- and prebiotics, how do they differ, and what exactly are they used for?

If you try to describe the action of pro- and prebiotics in a nutshell, you get the following. Both components improve digestion and normalize the intestinal microflora, and through all this, they significantly strengthen the immune system. And now in more detail.

Probiotics are beneficial microorganisms. Once in the animal’s body, they populate the surface of the intestinal epithelium and do not allow pathogenic bacteria to multiply. They operate on the principle of “a bad microbe has arrived, but there are no vacancies.” By the way, the healthy microflora of the hands and other parts of the human body works on the same principle. In practice, antibacterial soap is not very useful, because. violates the balance of microflora.

Prebiotics are substances that are not absorbed in the small intestine and create favorable conditions for the life and reproduction of probiotics, support the growth of normal microflora.  

For example, Viyo drink is a prebiotic, and ProColin is a probiotic.

Prebiotics vs Probiotics: Whats the Difference?

This is not to say that prebiotics are more effective than probiotics, and vice versa. Rather, they are a team. Both components complement each other and bring the best result when used in combination.

Pro- and prebiotics are used to eliminate digestive problems and strengthen the immune system.

They are indispensable during the rehabilitation period after surgery or illness, after taking antibiotics and anthelmintics (to normalize the intestinal microflora), in stressful situations, for example, when moving or weaning a puppy (kitten) from its mother. These are a kind of “vitamins” that can be used both in the presence of problems and for their prevention: all year round.

Pro- and prebiotics are easily absorbed by cats and dogs of all ages and have no side effects or contraindications. Make sure they are in your pet’s first aid kit. His health will thank you!

Prebiotics vs Probiotics: Whats the Difference?

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