Почему собака кусает во время игры
Getting a puppy is a big responsibility. After the dog got used to the toilet, learned the commands for good behavior on a leash, it began to seem that the cutest pet in the world appeared in the house. That is why the appearance of the first bite on the skin is usually taken by surprise.
If because of this it seems that the wrong upbringing is to blame, then this is not entirely true. The fact is that biting during the game is very common even among the most well-mannered puppies.
But why does a dog bite its hands while playing? And how to wean her from such a habit at an early age?
There are several justifications for this behavior and training methods aimed at preventing such manifestations.
What are the causes of play nibbling in puppies?
As a rule, these are quick and sharp bites during the game, not aimed at causing harm. It’s more like chewing. Although some jaw clenching may still be felt, this is not aggressive behavior. Rather, it has to do with the puppy’s lack of self-control or understanding.
Как и младенцы, щенки познают мир ртом. В сочетании с неизбежным прорезыванием зубов это приводит к желанию малышей жевать или облизывать предметы. Оно же провоцирует излишнюю резвость во время игр и, как следствие, укусы. Щенки часто не осознают свою силу или степень остроты своих зубов.
Как отучить щенка от кусания
At a young age, puppies learn not to bite. They are taught this by their mothers, brothers and sisters. As the American Kennel Club explains, “If the puppies bite their mother while nursing, the mother bites them back or gets up and leaves, taking their breakfast with her.” And when toddlers play, “if one puppy… bites another too hard, the other one jumps up and squeals.” This is how puppies learn about the consequences of the bite.
Хозяева могут отучить щенка кусаться. Вот что рекомендует ASPCA:
Allow the dog to play with his hand in his mouth only until he begins to attack him.
Make a loud and thin squeal if the pet suddenly bites. Such actions mimic the behavior of a puppy that has been bitten too hard during play. They should scare the little four-legged friend enough to stop biting.
Praise the puppy as soon as he stops biting, thereby positively reinforcing the change in behavior. Repeat this up to three times within 15 or 20 minutes.
Если со временем такая стратегия не увенчается успехом, можно обратиться к ветеринарному специалисту или в зоомагазин для получения других рекомендаций по дрессировке. Может помочь и профессиональный дрессировщик, который быстро настроит щенка на будущее без укусов.
Another tactic is to switch your furry toddler’s attention by giving him a good chew toy. Whenever the puppy becomes especially aggressive, you can take away the desired object (your hand) from him and replace it with something more suitable for biting. Over time, the puppy will understand that it is possible to bite a chew toy, but hands are not.
Даже самый спокойный и воспитанный пёсик может кусаться — ведь это заложено в его природе. Хорошая новость заключается в том, что при правильном подходе, практике и позитивном закреплении можно отучить щенка кусаться и подготовить его к жизни, полной весёлого общения и хорошего поведения.