platy fish
Pecilia are an excellent choice for keeping at home, as they are resistant to climate change and fairly easy to breed. Pecilia are very often used for breeding new breeds. The most popular is the red disk platy, which has an interesting shape.
As a rule, the fish are red in color, their length is about 3 cm. The shape of the body is slightly flattened. These fish are always a great decoration for any aquarium.
Water temperature is important for disc pecilia. It should be between 24 and 28 degrees Celsius. Even if you keep these fish together with others, try not to cross the lower or upper temperature threshold. Very low temperature is undesirable, because it can lead to hypothermia, and then to diseases of various kinds. A high temperature can also become dangerous, as it leads to infertility.
Pecilia does well in slightly salted water that is well aerated. But in their natural environment, these fish live in fresh waters.
The Disc Pecilia is an excellent choice for keeping at home, as it is practically omnivorous. Large fish can be fed with bloodworms, tubifex, and for fry, cyclops are best suited. It is recommended that disk platies eat food with a sufficiently high content of beta-carotene. This is a natural red dye, which is one of the main pigments in these bright red fish. It must be remembered that the diskaya platilia is a viviparous fish, therefore, during the breeding season, it is better to transplant it into a separate container so that it can sweep the fry there. And if you see that there is enough food for everyone in the aquarium, then it is better not to touch it.