Physical exercise

Physical exercise

Dogs are often very energetic and exercise is a great opportunity for them to use their excess energy. In fact, exercise is vital to keeping a dog healthy. Different dogs need different levels of exercise, and you need to study your pet well so that you can judge from his behavior what kind of exercise he needs. The story that the larger the dog, the more exercise it needs is not always true.

Age also plays an important role in assessing the level of exercise needed to keep a dog healthy. Puppies should not be subjected to excessive exercise, they should be frequent and small, and eventually move on to longer walks. Stress for your dog is not only exercise and weight control, but also brain stimulation. A dog in good physical and mental shape is much happier.

With adequate exercise, dogs become more satisfied and restrained. Walks are the time to train your dog in obedience. The dog is able to learn not to chase cars, motorcycles and follow simple commands, returning at your request, if it runs without a leash.

Regular loads are a must

Set aside time each day to exercise with your dog. It is important to stick to the class schedule, as there is a high probability of abandoning them. Some dogs naturally develop an excess of energy and need something to keep them busy or else they get bored and may even show negative behavior. Proper nutrition, such as Hill’s, can help in this situation, as it does not contain additives that make your dog even more hyperactive.

To maintain the health of the dog, it is important to establish an exercise regimen, similar to how athletes do. Sufficient physical activity maintains the overall health of the animal and adequate energy levels.

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