phoenix moss
Types of Aquarium Plants

phoenix moss

Phoenix moss, scientific name Fissidens fontanus. It is a true aquatic moss and grows only completely submerged in water, fixing itself on rock, stones, snags with the help of rhizoids and forming dense clusters. The natural habitat extends from North and Central America to Europe and North Africa. It is found everywhere, both in the wild on flooded rocks, stones and snags at a depth of up to 2 meters, and within the boundaries of settlements, cities, for example, on the foundations of bridges. Often in nature it looks dark due to a colony of diatoms.

Although this beautiful water moss is widely distributed almost all over the world, it has appeared in aquariums quite late only since the 1990s, and has gained popularity in Southeast Asia, where it does not grow.

Phoenix moss, like other types of Fissidens mosses, forms thin stems up to 10 cm long with paired leaves on each tier. Leaf blades are located in the same plane, which is why the shoots resemble palm leaves or feathers. Mini differs from closely related species, for example, from Fissidens, by narrower and elongated leaves.

It is easy to grow, perfectly adapts to a wide range of temperatures, hydrochemical values, light levels. It grows only on the surface of stones, snags and other objects, where it is attached with a special glue for plants or fishing line, rubber band and other materials. Over time, the moss will start up rhizoids and begin to stand on its own. Cannot be planted in the ground and kept in the air. In the latter case, it quickly dries up, but when immersed, it comes to life again – hence the name Phoenix moss.

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