Parson Russell Terrier
Dog Breeds

Parson Russell Terrier

Charactercs of Parson Russell Terrier

Country of originGreat Britain
The sizeSmall
Growth33-36 cm
Weight7–8 kg
Ageup to 15 years
FCI breed groupTerriers
Parson Russell Terrier characteristics

Brief information

  • A bold dog with a highly developed hunter’s instinct;
  • Mobile and quick-witted;
  • Very friendly and sociable.


The Parson Russell Terrier, a breed of hunting dog originally from England, appeared at the beginning of the 19th century and managed to become the most popular hunting breed in the UK in less than a decade. Its creator is John Parson, one of the founders of the English Fox Terrier Kennel Club.

The progenitor of the Parson Russell Terriers (and his younger brother the Jack Russell Terrier too) was an unusual fox : her legs were longer, her disposition was more docile, she showed extraordinary endurance, speed and agility when hunting. Mr. Parson decided to keep these traits important for burrowing and began to cross the dog with other breeds. As a result, by the beginning of the 20th century, the Parson Russell was divided into two groups: short-legged and long-bodied, more active and loud Jack Russell Terriers and long-legged, strong Parsons with a more pronounced hunting instinct.

Today, representatives of this breed mainly live in cities, accompany a person during walks and travels. This is an ideal companion dog for active people who love running and cycling through the streets and urban recreation areas. The Parson Russell Terrier is obedient if the process of training and education begins in time . He learns quickly, has an excellent memory, loves the attention and approval of the owner, for which he is ready to do anything.


Parsons love to attract the eyes of others, they are sociable, and their favorite way of “talking” with a person is through play. They treat children well if they do not feel a threat to their health from them. This is not a “sofa dog”, so you should not start it for those who are not ready to devote a lot of time to walking, playing, or are not able to give the pet the attention they need.

The Parson Terrier gets along well with other animals in the house, but can be prone to dominance. In addition, the hunting instinct will not allow representatives of this breed to remain indifferent to rodents and birds, which is important to consider. With proper socialization , representatives of the breed calmly react to other dogs and guests. On the street, it is better to keep the Parson on a leash, despite his obedience and non-aggression.

No dog is immune to fright or instinctual aggravation, and a Parson Russell that smells prey runs very fast.

Parson Russell Terrier Care

There are two types of Parson Russell Terriers: Smooth Coated and Wirehaired. The latter need to be bathed more often , otherwise, like all wire-haired breeds, they show a specific smell. Smooth-haired Parsons need to be bathed as they get dirty, but at least once a month.

The Parson Terrier doesn’t shed much, but it’s a good idea to brush it out as the coat builds up, about once a month. You also need to trim your nails and brush your teeth on time . So that these procedures are not perceived by the dog as punishment, they must be taught to them from puppyhood.

Like many working breeds, the Parson Russell Terrier can develop glaucoma and joint problems with age. Also, dogs of this breed can develop necrosis of the femoral head, which leads to painful lameness. Therefore, visits to the veterinarian should not be neglected, especially if the pet is over seven years old.

Conditions of detention

The Parson Russell Terrier lives quietly in an urban environment. The main thing for him is long walks and active pastime.

Parson Russell Terrier – Video

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