Otteliya ulvolistnaya
Types of Aquarium Plants

Otteliya ulvolistnaya

Otteliya ulvolistnaya, scientific name Ottelia ulvifolia. The plant comes from the island of Madagascar, where it grows in well-lit shallow ponds with stagnant water. The plant got its name from the shape of the leaves, reminiscent of their appearance ulva – a genus of marine green algae.

Otteliya ulvolistnaya

The plant forms a large shrub of large long leaves, growing up to 50–80 cm in height. The leaf blade is wide, up to 10 cm, light green in color with burgundy strokes. Upon reaching the surface, yellow flowers may appear.

Due to its size it is not suitable for small aquariums. Ottelia ulvolifolia is relatively easy to grow. Healthy growth requires soft soil of sufficient depth, plenty of free space and high levels of light. Hydrochemical composition and temperature are not significant. In a balanced ecosystem in the presence of fish, fertilizers are usually not required.

It grows quickly and soon the leaves begin to spread over the surface, shading the aquarium, so it is advisable to place shade-loving species on the lower tier.

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