Nymphea rubra
Nymphaea rubra, scientific name Nymphaea rubra. Native to India, where it is a popular ornamental pond plant. It grows everywhere in shallow water bodies near the coastline on silty soft substrates.
Outwardly, it has much in common with another closely related species – Fluffy Water Lily and often they are supplied under the same name. The main distinguishing feature of the Nymphaeum rubra is a flower, the petals of which are painted in a delicate pink color. Otherwise, both species are almost identical. Under favorable conditions, large red underwater and green floating leaves with a diameter of more than 15 cm develop.
In addition, the name Nymphaea rubra is also erroneously used to refer to a selective red form of the Nymphaea lotus, which is distinguished by the presence of dark specks on the surface of the leaves.
Favorable conditions for growth are achieved in a spacious aquarium with soft nutrient soil. It is advisable to use a special aquarium soil rich in essential trace elements. As an alternative, you can take the advice of experienced aquarists who put balls of ordinary red clay under the roots.
It is important to provide a high level of lighting. The lack of light leads to the loss of reddish color of underwater leaves, in addition, they begin to strive upward, lengthening their petioles. When grown in low aquariums and long daylight hours (more than 8–9 hours), floating leaves appear and, as a rule, flowering occurs.