Not all trainers are the same…

Not all trainers are the same…

Sometimes even ideal owners have difficulties with the upbringing and training of dogs. And the logical solution in this case is to contact a professional – a coach, or an instructor. But a good owner differs from a not-so-good one in that he carefully chooses whom to entrust his beloved pet to. Because not all trainers are the same.

Not all trainers are the same...

In the photo: the so-called “dog interpreter” Caesar Millan and dogs, who are clearly uncomfortable. Photo:

For example, let’s take one person who, probably, all dog lovers have heard of. This is the “doggy translator” Caesar Millan, the star of the National Geographic Channel. However, those who trust this person or his follower of their dogs, and also focus on his advice, often face aggravation of the pet’s psychological problems and the appearance of physiological ones. And this is very easy to explain.

Trainer’s lack of knowledge 

The fact is that Caesar Millan is a man without any education in the field of cynology or zoopsychology, and the methods he uses are based on outdated knowledge and, to put it mildly, not humane.

One of the myths that Caesar Millan so diligently cultivates and maintains is the myth of “dominance”, that the owner must certainly be the leader and suppress the dog’s desire to take the lead.

However, this principle was based on observations of how wolves unfamiliar to each other were placed in completely unnatural conditions with extremely limited territory and a lack of resources. Back in 1999 (!) Doctor of Biological Sciences L. David Mech proved that the theory of dominance has no basis. This does not happen in a normal wolf pack.

But that hasn’t stopped some trainers from translating the relationship of those unfortunate caged, randomly-picked wolves (which can only be compared to a high-security prison) to a dog’s relationship with its owner.

This is a misconception that is still costly for the vast number of dogs suffering from chronic stress due to improper, inhumane treatment on the part of the owners. As a result, for example, a harmless two-month-old puppy or a good-natured labrador lumberjack, who were not explained the rules of behavior, are tortured and tortured.

Are the Dog Whisperer's methods harmful ?

If this “translator” or his followers had even bothered to read the results of more modern research, they might have been ashamed. But they don’t need it. “Dominance” is a convenient myth that shifts the responsibility for “failures” in building relationships only to the dog and allows you to recoup on it.

At the same time – the worst thing – all signals from the dog are completely ignored, its body language is not taken into account. Animals are provoked to “bad” behavior for a long time and diligently, and then it is “corrected” monstrously.

Dog Whisperer Got Bitten

Moreover, the individuality of the dog is not taken into account, as well as the fact that many behavioral problems are associated with health problems or improper maintenance.

Inhumane methods 

The methods of “teaching” Caesar Millan and his followers cannot be called humane. This is intimidation through the adoption of threatening postures, blows, strangulation, jerking the leash, the use of strangleholds and strict collars, “alpha-coup”, grabbing the withers – all the arsenal that should rightfully be transferred to the Museum of the Inquisition of Animals and forgotten like a bad dream …

And when dogs show extreme stress, this is called either signs of dominance (if the unfortunate creature is still on its feet), or relaxation (if it is no longer on its feet).

The question of how the dog will perceive the owner using such methods, whether she will trust him and cooperate with him with pleasure, seems to be of little interest to such trainers. But it is in such a situation that a desperate dog, having exhausted all the ways to negotiate peacefully, either falls ill from chronic stress, or takes a desperate step – shows aggression. Out of desperation, not because she decided to take the throne.

Punishment can have a temporary effect – when the dog is intimidated and demoralized. However, it has very unpleasant consequences. But “here and now” it can look effective, which captivates the ignorant and unwilling to delve into the psychology of pet owners.

Yes, of course, such phrases as “meeting the needs of a dog” are sometimes heard, but how do they agree with the fact that an unfortunate animal is being tortured? Does the dog really need it? Is she a masochist?

Not all trainers are the same...


I write about Caesar Millan because he is the clearest example of a coach that is not useful, but harmful. Fortunately for dogs living in Western European countries, such methods are not honored there and a lot of trouble can be made for such work. Such methods were sharply criticized by such famous trainers and animal psychologists as Anne Lill Kvam, Turid Rugos, Barry Eaton, Anders Hallgren, Patricia McConnell and others.

After all, today there is an alternative to cruelty. A dog can (and should) be raised and trained without violence and deal with behavioral problems in a humane way. But, of course, this does not give instant results and requires patience and time. Although the result is worth it.

What methods can not be used in the education and training of dogs

There is a great way to understand whether you are dealing with a competent trainer or one whose knowledge of the behavior and psychology of dogs is several decades out of date.

If the trainer uses the following methods to teach obedience, training with him will not be beneficial (at least in the long run):

  1. Causing pain to the dog (beating, pinching, etc.)
  2. Inhumane ammunition (strict collar – metal with spikes inside, noose, electric shock collar).
  3. Deprivation of food, water or walks.
  4. Fish for a leash.
  5. Alpha flips (alpha throws), scruffing, muzzle grabs.
  6. Prolonged isolation of the dog.
  7. Intense exercise to “calm down” the dog (“a good dog is a tired dog”).

Unfortunately, in our area, such “translators” have a lot of followers who can even hide behind the sign of “conflict-free” education. 

And therefore, the responsibility for choosing a person who can (or cannot) be allowed to the dog lies only with the owner. After all, he has to live with this dog.

Not all trainers are the same...


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