Nayas roraima
Najas roraima, scientific name Najas sp. Roraima. The plant appeared in Europe in 2009, where it was brought by aquarists from Japan, after the exhibition of natural aquariums ended there. According to local (Japanese) breeders, this plant comes from Brazil, the state of Roraima.
Nayas roraima has a long strongly branched stem. The leaves are elongated and curved. On the leaf blade along the edge are many dark brown spikes-teeth, giving the whole plant a corresponding shade. In bright light, the tips of the sprouts become burgundy.
In favorable conditions, it quickly grows into a dense cluster. Due to the dense weave of the stems and the presence of thorns, it will be an excellent hiding place for small fish and fry. The root system is slightly branched, so it is often used as a floating plant in an aquarium, although it can be fixed to the bottom, for example, by gently pressing it down with snags, stones or other decoration elements.
Considered easy to maintain. Warm water and a high level of light will be sufficient to ensure rapid growth, provided that the fish live in the aquarium. They will become a natural source of organic matter.