Types of Aquarium Plants


Najas, Latin name of the genus Najas. In the aquarium trade, the word Naiad is also used as a synonym for this plant. In nature, they are found on all continents in tropical and temperate climatic zones. They grow in shallow water along the banks of stagnant reservoirs (lakes, swamps) and calm backwaters of rivers, where they form dense floating clusters.

All types of Nayas have a similar structure – a long branching stem and elongated narrow lanceolate leaves. Many plants have teeth along the edge of the leaf blade. The stem and leaves are very fragile and break easily. The root system is poorly developed.

The content in the aquarium is very slow. Does not require the introduction of additional dressings. Nutrients that are formed naturally as a result of the vital activity of fish will be quite enough. In favorable conditions, it grows quickly, regular pruning is required, for this reason it is not recommended for use in small aquariums.

Due to their unpretentiousness, Nayas are a good choice for a beginner aquarist.

Naiad of Guadalupe

Naiad (Nayas) Guadalupe, scientific name Najas guadalupensis

Indian naiad

Naiad Indian, scientific name Najas Indica. In Russian transcription, it is also written as “Nayas Indian”

Madagascar naiad

Madagascan naia, scientific name Najas madagascariensis

sea ​​naiad

Naiad sea or Grass mermaid, scientific name Najas marina

Nayada horrida

Naiad horrida, scientific name Najas horrida “Lake Edward”. The Russian transcription also uses the name Nayas Horrida

Nayas roraima

Najas roraima, scientific name Najas sp. Roraima

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