Ludwigia glandular
Types of Aquarium Plants

Ludwigia glandular

Ludwigia glandulosa or Ludwigia glandulosa, scientific name Ludwigia glandulosa. The plant is native to North America, widely distributed in the territory southeastern US states, where it is predominantly found in swamps and other bodies of still water.

Ludwigia glandular

Sometimes supplied as Ludwigia Himalayan. The word “Himalayan” in the name of this species turned out to be accidental and is due to the fact that the plant has another commercial name – Ludwigia perennis. It was simultaneously used both for Ludwigia Himalayan and for plants growing in Asia, in particular in the foothills of the Himalayas, therefore it mistakenly “migrated” to the aquarium hobby for Ludwiga ferruginous.

Used in aquariums 1980-x years and is considered one of the most colorful plants. It grows underwater and above water, but the brightest colors appear when submerged. Ludwigia glandulosa has an upright stem with elongated lanceolate leaves of rich red shades from burgundy to pale pink.

It is very demanding on conditions and is not recommended for beginner aquarists. Needs bright light, soft acidic water and soil rich in trace elements, in particular iron, which gives the leaves a red color. In addition, it is necessary to ensure effective filtration and, at the same time, to avoid excessive internal flow. The filter must remove organic compounds from the water in order to prevent the formation of plaque on the leaves, из-за what it will receive less light.

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