Moss Pellia
Riccardia Graffi or Moss Pellia, scientific name Riccardia sp. “graeffei”. Under one name, at least three species are supplied, practically indistinguishable from each other. It is impossible to determine which of them is Graeffei without microscopic examination. For this reason, the name is collective for similar mosses.
In addition, this species(s) is often erroneously referred to as Riccardia chamedryfolia, which in turn is not used as an aquarium plant.
Moss Pellia is widespread in tropical Asia, Australia and the numerous archipelagos located between them. It grows in damp places on the surface of flooded snags, stones, etc.
Each aggregation consists of separate fragments forming a layered structure, which are considered to be somewhat larger in this species (species) than in other Riccardia and have a deeper green tint. However, the inexperienced eye is unlikely to see the difference.
In the aquarium, they are used in a state fixed on a snag or stone. Able to grow into large “pillows”, which, without pruning, can come off the surface. Moss is quite fragile, but each randomly separated piece will become an independent plant. Riccardia Graffi is unpretentious, showing its best appearance in soft, slightly acidic water, in conditions of medium light and a sufficient amount of dissolved nutrients.