​Martin Fuchs’ top tips for mastering corners

​Martin Fuchs’ top tips for mastering corners

A decisive turn on the route can lead to both victory and defeat. That is why it is so important for any athlete to master the art of bending. Swiss Martin Fuchs shared with the Noelle Floyd portal exercises for more balanced and efficient turns during the passage of routes.

​Martin Fuchs’ top tips for mastering corners

Martin Fuchs / Photo: Rolex

Shoulder work

Martin’s favorite flexion exercise is the shoulder-in. The ability to control the horse’s shoulder is the number one factor in correctly balanced and efficient passage of various turns.

The “shoulder in” exercise can be performed both on a volt, and along the walls and straight lines. Regular practice will help you learn to control every part of your horse’s body during the turn.

Pirouettes are not just for dressage

The canter pirouette is the foundation of good curls. Gradually learning the element will allow the horse to find balance and shift the weight to the hind legs, which is crucial when going through powerful tight turns. The pirouette not only teaches the rider to control their horse’s shoulder while maintaining the strength of the hind legs, but also develops the skills learned in the shoulder-in exercise.

Gymnastics on the Volt

Working on cavaletti or small barriers on the voltaic will help the rider learn to control the horse’s shoulder while maintaining balance and power in the hind legs. Throughout the exercise, the outside reins and legs should be used as primary aids, and the inside reins should be soft. In addition, it is important to maintain balance and momentum on the hind legs.


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