Ludwigia ruby
Ludwigia ruby, trade name Ludwigia “Rubin”. In the aquarium trade, it is supplied under a variety of names, including those related to other varieties and species. For example, the most common confusion is with Ludwigia “Super red” (a variety of Ludwigia marsh) because of their external similarity.
The exact origin is not known. Previously considered a variety of Ludwigia creeping. However, later studies by a number of authors (Kasselman and Kramer) established that it is a hybrid from Ludwigia glandulosa.
Ludwigia ruby has a similar leaf shape to Ludwigia repens, which explained the relationship of both species earlier, but differs in the arrangement of leaf blades on the stem. They can be either two on each whorl, or one at a time.
Despite its origin from the very demanding Ludwigia glandulose, this variety is quite easy to maintain. Able to adapt to a wide range of temperatures and hydrochemical values. Any level of illumination. However, the most colorful colors are achieved in warm, soft water, bright light, and nutritious soil. It is advisable to use special aquarium soil.