Ludwigia Cuba
Ludwigia Cuba, scientific name Ludwigia inclinata var. verticillata “Cuba”. It was first discovered on the southwestern coast of Cuba and at first was considered an endemic species. However, later it turned out that the natural habitat was much wider. Currently, it can be found in the wetlands of Central and South America, as well as on the islands of the Caribbean.
It is a natural variety of Ludwigia red. The prefix in the name “var. verticillata” indicates a different, narrower structure of the leaves. Leaf blades densely cover a tall erect stem, and at the top turn into a dense red corolla. In older leaves, red hues are retained only at the tips. Upon reaching the surface, it forms an arrow on which a beautiful yellow flower appears. In the surface position, the leaves turn green and acquire a classic oval shape.
There are many local varieties, some of which are popular in the hobby, such as Ludwigia pantanal and Ludwigia curly.
Ludwigia Cuba is considered a demanding plant and is not recommended for beginner aquarists. For healthy growth it is necessary to provide nutrient soil, it is desirable to use aquarium soil, and bright lighting. The lack of light, nitrates and phosphates leads to the loss of red shades in the color of the leaves.