“Kubarem – free!”

“Kubarem – free!”

Recently in South Africa on the border with Botswana a very long-awaited event happened.

Two giraffes in rehabilitation have finally been released into the wild!

Kubarem - free! These two were so happy about their return to the alma mater that they practically did not remember themselves from happiness!

Kubarem - free! The first giraffe was in such a hurry to get into its natural habitat that, running out at incredible speed, he stumbled and rolled head over heels! Kubarem - free!

And just as the poor fellow was about to get on his feet, the second comrade rushed out of the truck and almost stepped on his brother!

Kubarem - free!

That’s how hilarious animals rejoice in freedom.

Kubarem - free! See it on video:

Don’t worry, both giraffes are in good health and in good spirits. Now they are free and enjoy their life in their native jungle!

Take care, beauties! Happiness to you! )

Kubarem - free! Source: mur.tv

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