The Istrian Hound (Istrian Brakk) is a rather ancient breed of hunting dogs. It is believed that they were originally bred in Slovenia, then they began to deal with Istrians in Croatia. This breed was especially popular on the island of Istria. There are two varieties of Istrian hounds that are considered separate breeds – short-haired and wire-haired. I must say that they have no special differences, except for the quality of the wool.
Short haired dogs are more common. It is assumed that their ancestors were Phoenician greyhounds and European hounds. The rough-haired variety, according to cynologists, was bred by crossing the Istrian short-haired hound with the French Vendée griffon .
The Istrian Hound was first presented in 1866 at an exhibition in Vienna, later the breed received official recognition, and the current standard was approved by the IFF in 1973.
There is a strict ban on crossing the short-haired and wire-haired varieties with each other.
Rectangular dog with strong build. The head is heavy and elongated. Wirehaired hounds are slightly larger and heavier than shorthaired hounds. Ears are not too long, hanging. The nose is black or dark brown, the eyes are brown. The tail is a rod, thin, saber-shaped.
The main color is white, there are completely white solid colors. Spots of yellow-orange color and the same specks are allowed.
Istrian short-haired hound
The coat is either short, silky, shiny and close to the body of the dog, or thick, coarse, hard, with a dense undercoat, up to 5 cm long.
The voice is low, sonorous. They are excellent at following prey on a blood trail, hunting with them mainly for hares and foxes, sometimes for birds and even wild boars.
Istrian short-haired hound Character
Energetic and stubborn dog. But since at the same time she is not aggressive towards people, then from her, in addition to a hunting dog, you can raise an excellent companion, which, of course, must be taken on a hunt – at least sometimes.
The smooth-haired variety is considered the owner of a softer character.Both breeds are distinguished by a well-developed hunting instinct. From an early age, you need to accustom the animal to the fact that livestock and other living creatures are taboo, otherwise the matter may end in disaster.
These dogs do not require any special care. Initially, they are distinguished by good health, so it is enough to perform standard procedures – examination and, if necessary, ear treatment , claw trimming . Wool, especially in wire-haired, should be combed out 1-2 times a week with a stiff brush.