Is it possible to keep a hamster in a jar and a box where to put him if there is no cage

Is it possible to keep a hamster in a jar and a box where to put him if there is no cage

Is it possible to keep a hamster in a jar and a box where to put him if there is no cage

Hamsters are cute animals that should live in their own equipped cage. Many people wonder if it is possible to keep a hamster in a jar. The answer is unequivocal: it is impossible, the reason is simple – there is not enough space for a hamster. In the wild, this animal lives a free life, overcoming long distances in a day.

Gone are the days when hamsters were kept in three-liter jars and this was considered a variant of the norm. Now real castles are being built for them, using cages, terrariums, special plastic containers. They are more spacious and comfortable. Hamsters live happily and relatively long in such houses – 2-3 years.

Is it possible to keep a hamster in a jar and a box where to put him if there is no cage

Why a rodent should not be kept in a jar

A hamster of any breed does not feel comfortable in a jar. Especially the jungkook. He sleeps during the day and spends the whole night moving. In a three-liter jar, you can’t really accelerate. It is not recommended to use it even as a carrier. This is not safe, the jar may fall and break, and the baby may get hurt. The baby should not be left in the bank if there are children in the house – you risk the life of a defenseless animal. Other animals (cats and dogs) may overturn the jar.

Is it possible to keep a hamster in a jar and a box where to put him if there is no cage

Where can you keep a hamster other than a cage

If for some reason you have not yet bought a cage, you can hold the baby in a three-liter jar, but so that children and other animals do not get the animal.

Do not close the jar with a lid – the animal may suffocate.

You do not know where to put a hamster if there is no cage? The ideal option is a carrier for small rodents. In it, the baby will not get hurt, even if he falls from a height, cats and children will not get him there.

Can you keep a hamster in a box?

You should not keep the baby in a cardboard box, except for a few minutes while washing the cage. A hamster is a rodent, it can quickly gnaw through thin “walls” and run away. Finding a fugitive is difficult, because there are so many places to hide in the apartment!

Another argument against the box is that it gets wet quickly. In the box, as well as in the bank, it is difficult to install a drinker, a running wheel and other accessories for nimble kids.

Now you know the answer to the question: can a hamster live in a jar. If you have not yet purchased a pet, but are only going to do so, think carefully about whether you can buy a cage for him and equip it properly. The jar is stuffy, there is little air, even lazy and calm Syrian hamsters live in it less than in a spacious cage or terrarium.

What to keep the baby in? Definitely in a cage. Banks, boxes and other “hideouts” can only be used during the cleaning of the “permanent home”.

Is it possible to keep a hamster in a jar or in a box

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