Is it possible to give guinea pigs a banana and its peel

Is it possible to give guinea pigs a banana and its peel

Is it possible to give guinea pigs a banana and its peel

To provide a guinea pig with proper nutrition, in addition to grain feed and hay, it is necessary to include fresh vegetables, fruits and berries in its diet. They will make up for the lack of vitamins and minerals, and will also become an additional delicacy for the pet. One of the most common questions novice owners ask is whether guinea pigs can have a banana, and how to properly give it to the animal.

Benefit or harm – recommendations of veterinarians

Sweet fruits in a bright yellow peel are famous for their high calorie content, and are also hypoallergenic. Bananas are allowed for guinea pigs, but limited amounts are recommended. Nutritious fruits include a whole range of useful elements:

  • potassium, magnesium for the full functioning of the heart and brain;
  • vitamins of group B, K, ascorbic acid to strengthen the immune system;
  • fiber, organic acids for digestion;
  • calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, sodium to maintain all body functions.

Due to such a saturation of the necessary substances for healthy development, the constant addition of this fruit to the feed will replace the purchase of ready-made vitamins from the pet store. For older animals who find it difficult to eat solid grain food, bananas are recommended to be included in the diet on an ongoing basis. The pulp of the fruit is easy to chew, and its nutritional value will give an aging pet the energy it needs.

But this fruit also has negative properties – an abundance of sugar, high calorie content can only harm a guinea pig. The sweet pulp is perceived as a delicacy, so rodents eat bananas with enthusiasm. But too much of such food will inevitably upset the sensitive digestion of the animal, and also lead to the formation of excess weight.

IMPORTANT: It is not recommended to give your pet dried or dried bananas. They swell in the stomach of the pig, can lead to disruption of the digestive tract, blockage of the intestines, and also contain even more sugar.

Danger is also represented by green or vice versa overripe fruits. The former are astringent and can cause constipation, while the latter also include too much sugar.

Feeding rules

Any drastic change in the diet will negatively affect the work of the rodent’s digestion, therefore, in for the first time, only a small piece of pulp (1-1,5 cm) should be offered to the pet. If there are no disorders and other consequences, you can introduce fruit into the diet on a regular basis.

Is it possible to give guinea pigs a banana and its peel
In order not to expose the guinea pig to the risk of obesity, it is worth giving a banana in a piece of 2-5 cm

The maximum size of a daily portion is 2-5 cm, depending on the age and weight of the animal. Giving a banana to a guinea pig is best in the morning, along with enough grain and hay. These fruits are juicy food, so on this day you need to reduce the amount of other fruits and berries. It is best to offer an exotic treat to your pet no more than two or three times a week.

Babies under the age of three months should not be fed a banana – their digestion is not yet able to cope with so much sugar and calories.

Is it possible to give guinea pigs a banana and its peel
Babies under the age of 3 months are strictly prohibited from banana

Is it possible to eat a peel

It must be remembered that it is allowed to give a guinea pig a banana only in a peeled form. These rodents willingly eat banana peels, but this can be very harmful to their health. To extend the shelf life, protect against insects, the surface of the fruit is always coated with wax, ethylene, and various chemicals. Therefore, before peeling the fruit, it is recommended to first wash it with soap and water. The shell of the fruit is also a place of accumulation of all pesticides, chemicals that are used in cultivation. Therefore, when eating even a thoroughly washed peel, a rodent can get seriously poisoned.

About which exotic fruits are useful and which are harmful to guinea pigs, read the article “Can guinea pigs be given pineapple, kiwi, mango and avocado?”.

Can guinea pigs eat bananas?

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