Is it possible for chinchillas to eat raw, fried, pumpkin and other seeds

Pet owners are interested in the question of whether chinchillas can have seeds. It cannot be answered in one word. After all, seeds are different.
Sunflower seeds
Animals at home lose many of their survival skills. Therefore, it would be a big mistake to hope that the rodents themselves understand what is good for them and what is bad. And if you give chinchillas roasted seeds, they will eat them with pleasure. But do not go with the pet on about. Experts say that giving seeds to chinchillas is not recommended.
They are especially harmful to animals when fried. Indeed, in nature, rodents cannot find such food. Therefore, their body is not adapted to this kind of food.
Important! Roasted sunflower, pumpkin, watermelon seeds are not natural food for chinchillas. These animals are raw foodists. Such a treat for them is poison.
But raw can be, but in very small quantities. They have a very large amount of fatty acids, which have a positive effect on the fur. However, you should not get carried away with them, even if the animal eats them with pleasure. Due to the same high fat content, they can provoke obesity and indigestion, cause constipation or even poisoning.

melon seeds
In any seeds, a huge energy is concentrated. That is why birds and rodents love them so much.
Raw pumpkin seeds for chinchillas, squash, watermelon, melons are very useful.
But the owner of the rodent must comply with the measure. A day is enough for a pet from 5 to 7 pieces of gourd seeds.
Important! All seeds that the owner wants to feed his pet should be fresh, slightly dried.
apple seeds
Chinchillas are herbivores. Their diet consists of herbs and fruits. An apple is a favorite food for rodents. But they should be given in dried or dried form.
When asked whether it is necessary to clean the core out of them, the experts answer in the negative. Doctors recently came to the conclusion that apple seeds have anti-cancer properties. Even a person is recommended to eat them daily as a preventive measure of 4-5 pieces.
Since apple seeds do not have a special taste, chinchillas do not overeat them. But they should not be specially prepared and fed as a separate dish.
grass seeds
In nature, chinchillas eat not only herbs, but also their seeds. Therefore, in captivity, rodents simply need to be given flax and sesame seeds.
Since flax and sesame contain a lot of fat, it is not worth giving a lot of seeds of these herbs. Otherwise, diarrhea or constipation may occur. And obesity is not the best option for a pet.

What not to chinchillas
Although rodents are supposed to eat fruits, some can be harmful to their health.
It is strictly forbidden to give animals:
- acacia;
- plum;
- cherry;
- cherry
And the bones of these berries are completely banned. They contain hydrocyanic acid, which is poisonous.
Important! Never feed the bones of berries to animals, even if they will gladly absorb them.
Experts believe that chestnut fruits and nuts are also harmful to rodents. Although many manufacturers add nuts to the feed. But these “sweets” are a big load on the animal’s liver.
Video: chinchilla eats seeds
What seeds can be given to chinchillas and which cannot
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