Interesting facts about cats with blue eyes
Care and Maintenance

Interesting facts about cats with blue eyes

Interesting facts about cats with blue eyes

What cat breeds have blue eyes?

If you want a purebred blue eyed cat, look for seal point breeds that are genetically related to blue eyes.

These breeds include Siamese, Balinese, Himalayan, Persian, Burmese and Javanese. Ragdolls are known for their sparkling blue eyes, but not all members of the breed have this eye color. There is also a very rare breed, the Ojos Azules, which can have dark hair and blue eyes.

And it is important to note that blue eyes in these breeds are not associated with deafness.

What about white cats with blue eyes – are they deaf?

When it comes to white cats with blue eyes, you need to understand that about 60% of kittens with white dominance got their color as a result of a mutation in the KIT gene. In these cats, blue eyes are the result of a cellular problem: there are fewer melanocytes, the cells that produce pigment, in the iris. These same cells create skin pigment and play an important role in the functioning of the inner ear. Therefore, such cats may not have enough cells for the proper functioning of hearing.

White cats have a genetic makeup similar to that of albino humans, which lack pigment; because of this, they have certain vulnerabilities – for example, sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.

An estimated 40% of white cats with blue eyes are deaf. And this, of course, is a high figure.

And if a white cat has eyes of different colors (for example, blue and green), then in this case, hearing loss can occur in only one ear.

If a kitten has blue eyes, will they stay that way?

Not necessary. All kittens are born with blue eyes, which later change color. Hue begins to change to true eye color around 6-7 weeks of age. Iris melanocytes (the pigment that gives a cat’s eye its adult coloration) develop when the eye is mature enough.

How do you know if a blue-eyed cat is deaf?

You can check this at home yourself or contact your veterinarian for a more accurate examination.

In order to check for yourself whether the cat hears you, stand behind it at a distance of several meters and clap your hands or make any other loud sound. If the cat reacts to this sound, then it is not deaf, at least in both ears.

Photos of cats: Siamese, Balinese, Himalayan, Persian, Burmese, Javanese, Ragdoll, Ojos Azules

4 September 2020

Updated: 19 May 2022

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