Hygrophila plants belong to the Acanthaceae family. In nature, they are widely distributed on all continents, with the exception of Antarctica, in tropical and subtropical climatic zones. There are about 100 species. A relatively small number of species are used in the aquarium trade, which are predominantly derived from
Most hygrophiles are easy to grow and do not need to be created.
- Guyanese hygrophila
- Hygrophila “Brave”
- Hygrophylla Araguaia
- Hygrophila balsamic
- Hygrophila large-leaved
- Hygrophila multiforme
- Hygrophila polysperma
- Hygrophila marble
- Hygrophilous uniform
- Hygrophila pinnacifida
- Hygrophila heterophylla
- Hygrophylla Sarawak
- Hygrophylla siamskaya
- Hygrophila angustifolia
- Hygrophila Ceylon
- Hygrophila corymbose
- Lemongrass “Compact”
- tiger hygrophila
Guyanese hygrophila
Guyanese hygrophila, scientific name Hygrophila costata
Hygrophila “Brave”
Hygrophila “Brave”, scientific name Hygrophila sp. “Bold”
Hygrophylla Araguaia
Hygrophila Araguaia, scientific name Hygrophila lancea (formerly Hygrophila sp. “Araguaia”)
Hygrophila balsamic
Hygrophila balsamic, scientific name Hygrophila balsamica
Hygrophila large-leaved
Hygrophila multi-seeded “Broad-leaved” or Hygrophila large-leaved, scientific name Hygrophila polysperma “Big leaf”
Hygrophila multiforme
Hygrophila multiforme is the collective name for a whole group of closely related species from tropical and subtropical Asia, united under the scientific name Hygrophila salicifolia.
Hygrophila polysperma
Hygrophila polysperma, scientific name Hygrophila polysperma
Hygrophila marble
Hygrophila rosanervig or Hygrophila marble, scientific name Hygrophila polysperma “Sunset” (“Rosanervig”)
Hygrophilous uniform
Hygrophila odora, scientific name Hygrophila odora
Hygrophila pinnacifida
Hygrophila pinnacifida or Hygrophila pinnate, scientific name Hygrophila pinnatifida
Hygrophila heterophylla
Hygrophila difformis, scientific name Hygrophila difformis
Hygrophylla Sarawak
Hygrophila Sarawak, scientific name Hygrophila lancea “Sarawak”
Hygrophylla siamskaya
Hygrophila Siamese, scientific name Hygrophila corymbosa “Siamensis”
Hygrophila angustifolia
Hygrophila angustifolia, scientific name Hygrophila corymbosa “Angustifolia”
Hygrophila Ceylon
Hygrophila Ceylon or Hygrophila red, scientific name Hygrophila polysperma “Ceylon”
Hygrophila corymbose
Hygrophila corymbosa, scientific name Hygrophila corymbosa
Lemongrass “Compact”
Lemongrass “Compact” or Hygrophila lemongrass “Compact”, scientific name Hygrophila corymbosa “Compact”
tiger hygrophila
Tiger hygrophila, scientific name Hygrophila sp. Tiger