How to wean a cat to wake up the owners in the morning?
Claws and fangs are used, jars of cream and long-awaited perfume received for a birthday fly from the chest of drawers to the floor. With a loud champ, the money tree standing on the window is eaten, and slippers … slippers have to be bought in bulk.

So how do you train your pet to behave decently in the morning?
To do this, you need to understand a little cat psychology. Why do cats behave this way and not otherwise?

Night hunting
This is the most difficult option. In some cats, genetics “wedges”, and their organisms go into the time immemorial mode, when these animals slept during the day and went out to get food at night.
Ways of solution
The fight must be complex. A hearty dinner, you can even leave breakfast dry food in the bowl. Free exit from the bedroom to the tray, food, toys. Perhaps a special door for the cat will help if you live outside the city and let the animal out on the street.
It is not bad to torture an apartment resident with games before going to bed. Of course, after work and household chores, few people will have the strength to frolic with the cat. A cat fishing rod and a laser pointer will help.
Fine mental organization
The cat is haunted by all sorts of sounds – in the morning, birds begin to chirp, janitors loudly communicate with each other, neighbors rattle their pots, etc., etc. She needs the leader of the pack to get up and put things in order in the controlled territory.
Ways of solution
Not reacting often helps in the end. Take the pet in an armful, wrap it in a blanket – and to your side. It’s also a proven method. If such a neurosis is very pronounced, consult a veterinarian – it may be worth giving the cat a sedative.
Some cats have a really irrepressible appetite. And if they don’t get a full bowl of o’clock at five in the morning, then they consider that the day was wasted.
Ways of solution
Leave food overnight or buy an automatic feeder that adjusts to dispense portions by the hour. Just think carefully about the volume and calorie content of the feed so as not to overfeed the pet.
Mode failure
If you changed your place of residence, gave your cat to relatives for a vacation, if you move furniture, make repairs, bring a baby from the hospital, or even just buy a piano for your child to practice on, all this can be perceived by the cat as a mess in the habitat.
Ways of solution
Be patient, reassure somewhere, punish somewhere … time will pass, and everything will work out.
Unfortunately, many diseases manifest themselves in morning attacks. In particular, urolithiasis, which is very common in cats and cats, as well as arthritis and arthrosis, spinal problems, headache due to weather dependence.
Ways of solution
Do not rush to punish the animal, especially the elderly. The cat needs to be taken to the vet and examined.

General Tips
Persistent meowing for starters is worth trying to ignore. If claws are used, a spray bottle with water will sober up the tailed insolent. Fans of throwing perfumes and creams from the shelves and snacking on houseplants are not bad either to put them out the door into a room where they can’t be naughty, or put them in a cage (but not more than for a few hours).
August 26 2019
Updated: 19 May 2022