How to wean a cat to tear wallpaper and furniture?

How to wean a cat to tear wallpaper and furniture?

What to do if the cat tears up the wallpaper and furniture? This question is asked by many owners of caudates, adding such a feature of behavior to a number of bad habits. However, sharpening claws is a natural need, due to the need to keep paws in excellent condition. Educational work should be aimed at showing the pet how to do it correctly.

Ten tips on how to wean a cat to tear up furniture and wallpaper

  • Get a scratching post and install it in a convenient place for your pet. Most often, cats begin to sharpen their claws after sleeping, so it is better to install a scratching post near the resting place.
  • When choosing a scratching post, you should understand that different cats like different models. Some people like posts, others like flat ones, etc. In addition, their surface is made of various materials, and your pet may have its own preferences in this regard.
  • Try to isolate from the cat those parts of the wallpaper and furniture on which she sharpens her claws. The place of “delinquency” can be forced or covered with a cloth – turn on your imagination. Do not worry, this is a temporary measure until the pet gets used to the scratching post.
  • Buy toys. A pet may be too zealous in grinding claws out of banal boredom, and these items diversify his leisure time. Exciting games will help divert attention from your favorite corner of the sofa.
  • How to wean a cat to tear wallpaper and furniture?
  • Use special sprays sold in pet stores. They can be sprinkled with undesirable places for the claw point – an unpleasant smell will scare away the pet. Don’t go overboard on furniture and walls, and don’t spray the entire apartment. Otherwise, the abundance of an unpleasant smell will become a great stress for the cat, because this is her home too.
  • Draw your pet’s attention to the scratching post. Apply catnip on it, its smell will attract a pet. If he stubbornly refuses to use it, preferring wallpaper or furniture, go to the trick by wrapping the scratching post with a piece of wallpaper or carpet.  
  • Take care of education. As soon as you see that the cat begins to sharpen its claws in the wrong place, tell her loudly: “You can’t!”, and take it to the scratching post. Alternatively, you can use a spray bottle. If you find your pet at the “crime scene”, just sprinkle a little water on him – he will not like it very much.
  • Get a nail clipper. As the claws grow, shorten them a little. Be careful and cut off only the white tip of the claw, in no case touching the blood vessels.
  • Don’t forget to praise the cat. During the training period, be sure to reward her for success. Of course, the best rewards are treats. After your pet uses the scratching post, praise and treat. Use special quality products – they are not only tasty, but also healthy. Do not forget that food from the table is harmful to the health of pets.
  • Be patient. In no case do not punish the cat unfairly and do not use brute force in relation to it. Only a patient, systematic approach and careful attitude will achieve the best results!
How to wean a cat to tear wallpaper and furniture?

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