How to wean a cat to chew on wires?
Why do cats chew wires?
There can be many reasons. As a rule, small kittens sin with this. They are driven by curiosity, the desire to attract the attention of the owners, problems with teeth and gums, lack of vitamins and minerals, lack of toys and active leisure. The dense, smooth rubber of the wires is an excellent massager during the period of changing teeth. In the same way, cats love to fiddle with strings and ribbons, and wires hanging from a table or lying on the floor are also good for playing.

How to wean a pet from a bad habit?
To begin with, tune in to the fact that the matter may not be easy, and be patient. In no case do not shout at the animal, and even more so do not beat. Cats sometimes show amazing stubbornness and vindictiveness towards offenders. Yes, yes, your ruined slippers are a direct consequence of the fact that six months ago you beat a cat for stolen sausages.
But how to deal with the fluffy “terminator”? There are different ways. And you need to start raising an animal from the first days, as it appears in your home. The older the cat, the more difficult it will be to educate. We saw that the cat is showing interest in the wires, say “no” in a strict voice, pick it up and take it away from the object of interest to it.

A good and right thing to do is to remove the wires as much as possible in strobes, boxes, and so on. Those that cannot be removed must be fixed so that they are motionless and do not resemble a dangling rope that is so fun to pull. Close the gaps between the floor and the bottom or the wall and the back of electrical equipment, household appliances so that the animal cannot climb there.
Distract and play. The most pleasant way, but it is suitable only for those who are constantly at home. Build or buy a play complex for your pet, give more toys.
Pay attention to the nutrition of the kitten. After consulting with a veterinarian in advance, supplement the diet with vitamins and minerals. Offer the cat grass, fresh herbs, chewing bones.
Turn wires from attractive to unattractive. There are many folk tips, and you can choose the most convenient for you. It is suggested to wrap the wires in foil (many cats do not like its rustling), or double-sided tape (they will become sticky), or smear mustard, garlic, etc. Of course, all this works. But not for long! And it is associated with a number of household inconveniences. If possible, it is better to turn to the wonders of household chemicals. Pet stores sell a special Antigryzin spray, and nail polish in children’s goods stores. This is a special tool for weaning babies to suck and gnaw their fingers. It is also great for cat babies. Both of these products are easily applied to the wires, last a long time and are harmless to the animal. Having licked the terrible bitterness a couple of times, your cat will bypass the wires on the seventh road.
April 15 2019
Updated: April 23, 2019