How to understand cat language?
If a cat rubs its muzzle against its owner, then in this way it expresses its love. The same behavior can be seen not only in relation to humans, but also to other cats – they can also express feelings for each other. The animal also demonstrates its kind attitude towards the owner by rolling from side to side at his feet. Lounging up belly up, the cat shows that he completely trusts him.
Own territory
If a pet rubs its head against objects or furniture, this is no longer a manifestation of love, but a desire to mark its territory with the secret of the sebaceous glands, which are located near the lips and chin. Between the fingers of cats there are also sebaceous glands, so the same is with the point of claws on furniture and other objects: the cat only shows that she lives well in this house and she considers it her territory.
When a pet tramples on the owner’s stomach, this does not mean at all that he is begging for something from him. This is a habit from childhood – this is how kittens usually knead the cat’s belly, stimulating the receptors responsible for lactation. In this way, the animal shows that it feels relaxed and safe.
Lounging up belly up, the cat shows that it completely trusts you.
Making decisions
Whiskers raised forward and ears pressed to the head indicate that the cat is making a decision and is a little afraid of the possible consequences: stay in place or run? Go outside where it’s raining or stay at home? In addition, when a cat faces a difficult choice, she waves her tail, as if shaking it. As soon as the decision is made, the tail will immediately calm down.
By the cat’s tail, you can determine what mood the cat is in. If she waves her tail sharply from side to side, bent into a hook, this indicates her rage or strong excitement. If the tail is straight and raised like a pipe, then the pet is friendly, pleased with itself and satisfied. A raised tail in the form of a question mark indicates that the cat is friendly and is not averse to playing with the owner.
When a cat feels relaxed, feels pleasure, wants to attract the attention of the owner or expresses gratitude to him, she purrs. At this moment, the cat can be stroked, caressed, picked up. This is usually a sign of positive emotion, however, a cat can make a similar low throaty growl if something hurts. But you can easily notice this difference in her behavior.
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25 2017 June
Updated: 19 May 2022