How to teach your dog the no command

How to teach your dog the no command

Teaching a puppy commands is desirable to start at a very early age. Some dogs learn commands quickly and easily, while others take a long time. The very first commands that a puppy is taught are the commands “come”, “place”, “sit”, “fu” and “no”. How to train a pet last?

The puppy must strictly follow the prohibitions, because he lives in society. It is quite difficult for a dog to explain why it cannot bark for several hours, why it is impossible to steal food from the table or lick strangers. But she must immediately respond to prohibiting commands.

The “no” command is used to temporarily prohibit some action: this is how it differs from the “fu” command. That is, after executing the command, you can allow the pet to do something previously forbidden: bark, eat a piece of food, or climb into a puddle.

How to teach a puppy to the “no” command

Repeating the following steps will help you learn this useful command.

  1. Team training should begin in a secluded place where the puppy will not be distracted by people, other dogs, passing cars, etc. It is better to choose a park or a summer cottage.

  2. Prepare a leash and treats for motivation.

  3. Keep your puppy on a short leash and place treats or a favorite toy in front of him.

  4. When the dog makes an attempt to eat a piece of food, you need to firmly and loudly say “No!” and pull on the leash.

  5. Repeat the process until the behavior is fixed.

  6. As soon as the puppy understands what the “no” command means and fulfills it, you should treat him with a treat.

Training should begin as early as possible, while destructive behavior has not yet been fixed. Give the command “No!” follows when the dog has not yet begun the prohibited action. For example, before she climbed into the garbage pail or began to gnaw slippers. You need to train as much as you need.

You should not train when the dog is very hungry or, on the contrary, has just eaten. Also, you do not need to start training late in the evening: it is better to choose a time when both the owner and the pet are productive.

What teaching methods should not be used

Inexperienced dog breeders do not always understand what is prohibited in training. The following actions can lead to pet aggression:

  • Physical punishment. It is forbidden to hit a dog if it cannot or does not want to follow the command. Fear is not the best motivation.

  • Food refusal. Do not deprive the animal of food and water for not following the instructions. The dog will not understand why it is not fed, and will suffer.

  • Scream. Do not raise your voice or try to scare the animal. A loud and firm voice is not equal to screaming and aggression.

What to do if learning is not progressing

It happens that the dog does not understand the “no” command. In this case, you will need to consult a specialist. You can contact the breeder, ask your dog breeder friends for advice on training, or invite a dog handler. In large cities there are cynological schools that accept puppies of almost any breed. They employ specialists who can teach a naughty puppy not only to follow the necessary commands, but also to behave calmly, confidently and obediently. After all, competent training is the key to a happy life together with a pet.

See also:

  • How to teach your dog the command “Come!”

  • How to teach your dog the fetch command

  • 9 basic commands to teach your puppy

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