How to teach a dog to give a paw
A step-by-step training scheme and tips for those who have just started training their tailed pet.
Many dog owners are in no hurry to train their pets. Some do not have time, others do not see the point in it. But training creates a strong emotional bond between the owner and his four-legged friend. Proper and humane training develops the intelligence of the animal, improves its concentration and corrects behavior.
It is important to teach your pet at least basic commands, such as teaching a dog to give a paw. This skill will help her learn more complex commands, and will also be useful when trimming her nails. And what dog owner does not want to brag about the success of his beloved dog?
Teach your dog the command “Give paw!” can be done at any age, but it is best to do this at 4-5 months. Step-by-step instructions for teaching a puppy commands will help you learn all the nuances of training dogs.
How to teach a dog to give a paw
In order for the pet to understand as quickly as possible what they want from him, it is better to follow a step-by-step plan:
Take your pet’s favorite treat, put it on your open palm and let the dog smell it.
Hold the yummy in your fist and keep your hand at the level of the animal’s chest.
After the dog begins to cross his hand with his paw, you need to open your fist and say: “Give me a paw!”.
You need to repeat the exercise several times until the pet understands what is required of him.
The main thing is to praise and give treats when the dog responds to the command. If, after training, he comes up and touches his hand with his paw, it is better for the owner not to react. So the dog will understand that without the command “Give a paw!” there will be no reward.
If the pet is tired or not in the mood, it is better to take a break from training.
How to teach a dog to give another paw
Having trained the pet to give one paw, you can begin to expand the team:
Again, hold the treat in your fist and say: “Give me the other paw!”.
When the dog gives the same paw, which usually happens, you need to independently take the desired paw and gently raise it so that the pet does not fall.
After that, give a treat, but do not repeat the commands.
After 3-4 repetitions, the dog will understand what is expected of him.
In the future, the dog will give the second paw immediately after the first – even without a voice command.
If you are going to teach a dog to give a paw, it is better to follow a few simple rules. That way everything will be faster.
Choose a treat that won’t crumble. Otherwise, the crumbs will distract the dog’s attention and he will begin to collect them all over the floor.
Praise your dog during training to reinforce positive associations.
Make sure all family members use the same command. So the dog will not be confused.
Teach your pet the command “Sit!” This will make learning easier. The article 9 basic commands that you need to teach your puppy describes in detail how to do this.
Be sure to walk the animal before training. He needs to let off steam and run enough to be focused on classes.
Let the training of the tailed friend be simple, fast and joyful for everyone.
See also:
Step-by-step instructions for teaching a puppy commands
9 basic commands to teach your puppy
How to teach a puppy the “voice” command: 3 ways to train
How to teach your dog the fetch command