“Come to me!”: how to teach a dog a team

“Come to me!”: how to teach a dog a team

“Come to me!”: how to teach a dog a team

Teaching your growing puppy commands is an important part of the training process. Team “Come to me!” is considered one of the main ones: the dog must perform it at the first request. How to teach a small puppy or an adult dog to this? 

Team Features

Cynologists distinguish two types of teams: normative and everyday. To fulfill the normative command, the dog, having heard the phrase “Come to me!”, should approach the owner, go around him to the right and sit down near the left leg. At the same time, it does not matter at what distance the pet is, it must execute the command.

With a household command, the dog just has to come and sit next to you. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to teach your dog the “come!” command.

Step by step guide

Before starting to teach the dog the command “Come!” you need to make sure that the pet responds to its name and contacts with the owner. For training, you should choose some quiet place: an apartment or a remote corner in the park is quite suitable. The dog should not be distracted by strangers or animals. It is best to bring an assistant with you, whom the four-legged friend knows well. Then you can proceed according to this scheme:

  1. Ask the assistant to take the puppy on a leash, then stroke it, give it a treat and be sure to praise it.

  2. Next, the assistant needs to move away with the dog 2-3 meters from the owner, but in such a way that the dog sees him when moving.

  3. The owner must voice the command “Come to me!” and pat your thigh. The helper must release the dog. If the dog immediately ran up to the owner, you need to praise him and give him a treat. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times and then take a break.

  4. If the pet does not go or doubts, you can squat down and show him a treat. As soon as the dog approaches, you need to praise him and treat him with a treat. Repeat 3-4 times.

  5. Training must be repeated daily. After a few days, you can increase the distance from which to call the dog, and reach a distance of 20-25 meters.

  6. Train the command “Come to me!” you can go for walks. At first, you do not need to call the dog if it is enthusiastically playing with something, and then you can try to distract it. Do not forget to treat your pet with a treat after the command is completed.

As soon as the dog begins to approach at the first call, you can begin to work out the command according to the standard. The principle of operation is the same, but the training may take a little longer.

Training a puppy is easier, and after a short time you can start teaching him other commands. Proper training is an important part of raising a child. Over time, the pet will grow into a well-mannered and active dog that will bring joy to everyone around.

To teach the team “Come to me!” an adult dog, you can use the help of a professional cynologist. The trainer will take into account the age and habits of the animal before starting training.

See also:

9 basic commands to teach your puppy

How to teach the “voice” team: 3 ways to train

What can I do to stop my dog ​​from barking?

Teaching an older dog new tricks

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