How to teach a dog to a nickname and how many nicknames can a dog have?

How to teach a dog to a nickname and how many nicknames can a dog have?

The nickname is one of the most important “commands” for a dog. How to teach a dog to a nickname and how many nicknames can a dog have?


How to accustom a dog to a nickname? 

The main principle of accustoming a puppy to a nickname is: “The nickname should always portend something good”. As a result, having heard his name, the dog instantly focuses on the owner, afraid to miss all the best in this life. By the way, positive associations with the nickname are the basis for teaching the dog the “Come to me” command.

Of course, we pronounce the dog’s name not only during training, but also in everyday communication. And the name becomes for the dog something like a signal “Attention !!!”

Keeping in mind that the name in the understanding of the dog should be associated with something wonderful, you can easily guess how to teach the dog to the nickname. Take a treat and during the day many times, calling the dog by name, give it a treat.. Call your pet by name when it’s time for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Say the name and beckon your dog with your favorite toy.

Very soon, your four-legged friend will realize that the name is the most delightful word that can be in a dog’s life!

Just do not pronounce the nickname in a threatening tone, at least at the stage of accustoming to it – if the associations with the name of the dog are bad, this will nullify all your efforts.


At what age can a dog be taught a nickname?

As a rule, a puppy is taught a nickname, and from a very early age (literally from the moment when he begins to hear). However, it is not difficult to accustom an adult dog to a nickname – for example, when it changes owners, and the former name is unknown or you want to change it.

It is better if the dog’s name is short and sonorous, with a clear ending.


How many nicknames can a dog have?

Of course, it is better if at first, especially at the training stage, you always pronounce the nickname the same way so that the dog does not get confused. However, many dog ​​owners will say that their pets easily respond to many names. And indeed – sometimes dogs begin to perceive any affectionate words addressed to them in the same way as their own name. There are dogs that respond to dozens of names! And even cases when the owners publish a booklet – a collection of the names of their beloved dog.

My dogs have always responded to many names. It always seemed that somehow not very lucky those who were born with the same name live with it. Boring – no variety! Of course, I did not undertake to make everyone happy, but where it depended on me, I boldly took matters into my own hands.

For example, my dog ​​Ellie had so many names that once, when I decided to count them, I just lost count. She even visited Fukinella Dulsineevna – she has grown to a patronymic. And if I asked: “And who is Fukinella Dulsineevna with us? And where is she? – the dog faithfully looked into my face, twirled its tail so that it seemed that it would come off, pressed its ears and smiled broadly. So that no one has the slightest doubt: here she is, the very Dulcineevskaya Fuchinella, standing like a leaf in front of the grass, waiting for further instructions! And you can not even look for more than Dulcineev’s Fucinelli!

And why and where different names of dogs come from, the owners themselves cannot say. Apparently, this is too spontaneous a creative process that does not lend itself to analysis.

How many nicknames does your dog have? Share in the comments!

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