How to play with a cat?
First of all, it must be said that a game for a cat is not just entertainment. For little kittens, play is a way to understand the world, to learn hunting techniques. And adult cats thus cope with stress and get rid of aggression.
What to look for when choosing toys?
In pet stores, you can often find so-called “teasers” – sticks with feathers on the end, which can be dangerous for a pet. If you decide to buy such a toy, you should not save on it. Firstly, the parts must be large so that the cat cannot chew or swallow them. Secondly, the toy must be made of safe materials, because toxic paint that has entered the stomach can provoke animal poisoning.
You can not play with a kitten, teasing him with your hand. Of course, this is the simplest thing – to play with the animal, barely moving your fingers, ruffling the fur or throwing the pet on its back. However, in this way you demonstrate acceptable rules of behavior in the house. And this means that later the cat will attract attention to itself by biting your arm, leg, or simply attacking from around the corner.
Therefore, any attempts to bite you during the game should be stopped immediately. If the cat nevertheless did it, you should not pull out your hand, freeze. After she releases the “victim”, defiantly stop the game. After several unsuccessful attempts, the cat will understand that it is impossible to bite.
The ban on games also applies to items of clothing: laces, belts and belts – all this should not be toys. Otherwise, there is a risk of a pet attacking guests or children.
It has been noticed that laser pointers are of particular interest to cats. Sunbeam hunting can also be attributed to the same group of entertainment. However, unsuccessful attempts by an animal to catch a luminous spot can provoke psychological trauma in a pet, because its prey will always be elusive.
Game techniques
The toy is primarily perceived by the cat as a victim. Agree, not a single victim will loom before a predator, as if on purpose trying to be eaten. That is why you should not impose a game – the pet will not show interest in such entertainment.
It is better to carefully move the “teaser” near the cat, as if imitating the natural behavior of the mouse.
As a rule, the game is of an increasing nature and by the middle of the fun it literally turns into a riot of emotions when the fuse of a predator is at its limit. At this point, in no case do not quit the game. It is better to gradually reduce it to a minimum and then end it.
Before starting an active game, take care of your pet’s safety: stools, tables and chairs should be at a distance. An accidental hit on a corner can lead to sad consequences.
You can not make sudden movements during the game, forcefully pull the toy out of the paws and graze the cat. Doing so can damage your pet’s claws or teeth.
It is also important to pay attention to the technique of the game, because the socialization of the kitten and satisfaction with the game of an adult cat also depend on it. There are a few things to keep in mind:
Do not often play with pregnant cats and older pets. Excessive load during this period is absolutely not needed by the body.
If a previously playful animal refuses to play, be careful: this may indicate health problems with the pet.
When playing with a cat, follow a number of simple rules, and then the game will bring pleasure to both you and your pet.
August 15 2017
Updated: October 8, 2018