How to pick up a cat
It’s nice to have an affectionate furry friend nearby, whom you can pick up and cuddle at any time. But what if the pet does not like being picked up and trying to hug her?
There are a few tricks you can use to figure out how to properly adopt a cat so that everyone is happy..
Why is it so difficult to pick up a cat
Sometimes a cat can be distant and indifferent, and then it may seem that she does not like you very much. She may even be distracted by toys when the owner tries to caress her.
However, she still loves her family members. Some animals just don’t like being touched. If a cat has not been properly socialized at an early age, it will be more shy. Cats have retained many instincts from their wild ancestors, and if a pet has not often been among people before, she can behave fearfully even in a loving home.
Often the desire or unwillingness of a cat to sit on its hands depends on the breed. One of the most affectionate cats is the naked Sphynx. These pets are playful and love their owners. Ragdolls, beautiful cats with soft fur, will even demand that you pick them up and carry them with you everywhere.
But a Bengal cat, despite its luxurious fur, which you want to stroke all day long, is not easy to pick up and cuddle. These animals, in which a lot of “wildness” has been preserved, are very active and athletic. They always have a lot of things to do, and they have no time to sit in your arms.
Time is the deciding factor
It is best to take the cat in your arms when she wants to. To determine that this moment has come, you need to learn to understand the body language of a furry friend.
Signs indicating that a cat is content and ready to be petted are rubbing against your legs, licking your hands, and a joyfully raised tail. This means that now is the time to pick up the cat and squeeze it in your arms. But if she has a fluffy tail or she meows hostilely, you should not even touch her. If the pet begins to squirm or bite the owner when he picked it up, you must immediately release it. Sometimes, when a cat is picked up, it begins to seem to her that she is not in control of the situation, and she wants to quickly escape.
There are times when owners have to take the cat in their arms, despite any protests. If she sniffs at dangerous food or is in a place where she shouldn’t be (in the bathtub, in the kitchen sink and all the other inappropriate places where cats love to sit so much), you need to pick her up. In this case, it must be moved to a safe place, and then quickly bend down and lower it to the floor in a safe place.
There are times when you should not try to pick up a cat. Most often, these are stressful situations, such as the presence of a new person in the house, or trips to the veterinary clinic. Picking up a cat when it is frightened is not recommended, because in this state it can even attack the owner. It is also not recommended to try both to keep the cat and to pick it up against its will.
How to hold a cat and take it in your arms
Cats are afraid of sudden movements, so it is best to take it slowly and carefully. First, you need to reach out your hand so that the cat can sniff or rub its face against your fingers, thereby showing that it is in a good mood. When lifting an animal, both hands must be used. According to Cat Behavior Associates, all cats, large or small, should be held with two hands.
Behavior expert Marilyn Krieger, in her interview with Petcha, recommends handling a cat in the following safe way: “Put one hand under her front paws, and with the other, support her hind legs and back. The cat can be turned around so that its hind legs rest on the crook of your arm.” The cat should lie or sit steadily on one of the hands, like a rabbit, while the other hand will act as a “seat belt”. In no case should the cat’s paws hang down, because without support it will not feel safe.
When releasing a pet, you should always carefully place it directly on the floor. Jumping from your hands probably won’t hurt your cat, but it may feel insecure once again. Except when you need to forcefully hold the cat in your arms for safety reasons, you can not squeeze it and ignore attempts to escape.
Situations when the owner holds the cat in his arms should not become stressful either for her or for a person. Even if a furry pet refuses to sit quietly in her arms, she can express her affection in other ways, such as lying down next to her on the couch or curling up at her feet. It is worth enjoying those long-awaited moments when the cat shows how much she loves her family.
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