​How to maintain a quality step during the test?

​How to maintain a quality step during the test?

Creating and maintaining a good, quality stride during a test sounds easier than it is. British level 5* triathlon rider Georgie Strang gives some helpful tips on how to get a good, calm yet active stride while riding.

Lucy Merrell for https://www.horseandhound.co.uk

1. Practice. It is important that the horse learns first lengthen steps and relax when performing an extended step at home, your task is to teach her move forward and down and keep “there” the reinso that during the competition she knows these Feel.

2. Leg. Hold your leg on the horse’s side (don’t push, just feel his side) if your horse stumbles into a trot, don’t remove your leg as your horse may learn to use it as a relief from the impact of the leg.

3. Relaxation. Stay on the move relaxed and soft. Follow the horse’s movement with your hips, but don’t push them too hard.

4. Tranquility. Release the occasion graduallyso that the horse moves forward confidently, don’t drop her. When picking up the reins, make sure you also do it gradually.

5. Encouragement. When working on a step at home, use your vote и pat the horse on the neckto let her know that she is doing everything right.

6. Variety. During training vary the type of gait after choosing the reinsso that your horse does not wait only to trot or canter, but listens to your commands.

Source: https://www.horseandhound.co.uk

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