How to help a pet with sunstroke?

How to help a pet with sunstroke?

How to help a pet with sunstroke?

Heat stroke is a condition that occurs due to external overheating of the body, in which the body temperature of the animal is above 40,5 degrees. This is a critical condition that, if left untreated, can end in death. Animals have thermoregulation mechanisms that allow them to maintain the same body temperature, and it does not matter how many degrees outside: +30 or -40. Wool, skin with appendages, and respiration are involved in protection against overheating. But at some point, the body ceases to compensate for the effects of heat, and the temperature begins to rise.

Temperatures above 40,5 degrees have a negative effect on the entire body.

There is oxygen starvation of organs and tissues, general dehydration. The brain and cardiovascular system suffer the most.

How to help a pet with sunstroke?

Signs of heat stroke:

  • Rapid breathing. Cats can breathe with their mouths open, like dogs;

  • Paleness or redness of the mucous membranes. The tongue, buccal mucosa, conjunctiva may be bright burgundy or gray-white;

  • The animal tries to go into the shade, go into the water or hide indoors;

  • Dogs and cats are restless at first, but gradually become lethargic;

  • Unsteadiness of gait appears;

  • There is nausea, vomiting and diarrhea;

  • Fainting, coma.

How to help a pet with sunstroke?

How can I help my pet?

If you notice signs from the list, urgently take the animal to a cool place, in the shade. Moisten the fur on the belly, under the arms and on the paws with cold water. A cold compress can be applied to the head, but not an ice compress. Cover your pet with a cold wet towel. Give cool water to drink. Then contact your veterinarian immediately.

Do not use ice water and ice compresses – a sharp cooling of the skin will lead to vasospasm. And the skin will stop giving off heat. In a veterinary clinic, doctors administer drugs that relieve vasospasm, so in critical situations, very cold compresses can be used. In addition, doctors compensate for hypoxia and dehydration of the animal.

After suffering a heat stroke, complications can occur within three to five days. DIC is a common consequence.

How to avoid heat stroke:

  • Do not leave pets in stuffy, hot rooms. Cars are especially dangerous;

  • At home, use air conditioners, humidifiers, blackout curtains. Ventilate more often;

  • Walk with animals in the morning and evening before the heat peaks. It is better to walk in the shade;

  • Reduce physical activity. In the summer, pay more attention to obedience and thinking games;

  • Don’t overfeed the animals! Obesity increases the risk of heat stroke;

  • Do not shave animals bald. Wool protects from direct sunlight and from overheating;

  • Let’s drink more cool water;

  • Use cooling vests.

How to help a pet with sunstroke?

The article is not a call to action!

For a more detailed study of the problem, we recommend contacting a specialist.

Ask the vet

July 9 2019

Updated: 14 May 2022

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