How to give a pill to a cat?
Give your cat a pill? It would seem that nothing complicated. However, for many pets and their owners, this process turns into a life-and-death battle. Who will emerge victorious from this fight is a big question, but scratches on the hands and loss of trust on the part of the pet are guaranteed. Is there a way to avoid this?
In the life of every domestic cat, there comes a time when she has to take a pill. And the point may not be at all in the treatment of any disease, but in regular prevention from parasites or, for example, the appointment of additional vitamins. And here the most interesting begins. If your pet takes the medicine calmly, you can be called lucky. But often the whole family cannot cope with a resisting animal. And the blanket or towel, in which the cat so diligently wraps itself, also turns out to be useless in practice: the pet dodges and runs away, rewarding its “tormentors” with scratches and subsequent ignoring. Take my word for it, it will be difficult to return its location after such a procedure!
And there are even sadder situations. Sometimes, in an attempt to give a pill, the owner may accidentally injure the oral cavity. In addition, the cat may choke or choke (if you give her a liquid drug). To prevent this from happening, you must adhere to the following rules:
- the pet is fixed in a sitting or standing position so that its head does not tilt back;
- the mouth must be opened quickly and carefully, while pressing the corners of the cat’s lips to the teeth with your fingers so that it does not bite;
- the tablet is placed on the root of the tongue at a slight angle so as not to get into the trachea;
- after you put the tablet on the root of the tongue, close the cat’s mouth, lift her head and stroke her throat, stimulating the swallowing reflex;
- the drug in liquid form is administered to the pet by the cheek (so as not to choke) through a syringe without a needle.
But, as noted above, easy to say – not easy to do. Sometimes a cat dodges so diligently that it seems impossible to hold it (and even more so to introduce a suspension into its mouth). Other ponytails are even more prudent. As if by magic, having felt the situation and guessing what will happen now, they hide headlong, and, being caught, do not open their mouths for anything or spits out a pill with amazing persistence.
And here a special introducer for cats or, in other words, a tablet dispenser, comes to the rescue. What it is?
It is designed specifically to quickly and easily give your pet a drug. This is a small tube with a piston and a tip that is easily inserted into the oral cavity. Due to the convenient design and soft tip, the introducer is completely safe for the pet.
How to give a pill to a cat with a pill dispenser?
How does an introducer work? In fact, everything is simple:
- place the tablet in the tip;
- open the cat’s mouth;
- place it on the root of the tongue;
- push the plunger to push out the tablet (or liquid preparation);
- take out the introducer.
After administering the medicine, do not forget to slightly raise the pet’s head and stroke his throat so that he swallows and does not spit out the pill.
Although sheaths are standard veterinarian tools, they can be used by any novice and should be in your first aid kit. Believe me, it will make life easier for you and your pet. You can buy them in almost all pet stores. The manufacturer is Kruuse (Buster).
By the way, sometimes the owners add a little water to the introducer to the tablet so that the cat swallows the drug more easily. But, as a rule, there are no problems with this.
Take care of your pets and do not give them reasons to be offended by you!