How to get back into the saddle after…

How to get back into the saddle after…

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If you haven’t ridden in a while, it can sometimes be hard enough to muster up the courage to get back into the saddle. Maybe you had an injury break, didn’t have time to train, or your horse took a long time to recover from an injury. Whatever the reason, the thought of getting back into the saddle can be scary, make you nervous. Feeling fear is completely normal, you need to learn how to deal with it. The good news is that there are many ways to help yourself overcome this fear. SAFETY FIRST One of the easiest ways to help you feel safe is with the right gear. A helmet, gloves, proper footwear, and a safety vest will provide additional safety and peace of mind. If you’ve had a very long break, make sure your helmet and clothing fit properly. GET SUPPORT Do not underestimate such simple and necessary things as support and encouragement from close and familiar people. This can be the perfect solution for dealing with anxiety. HELP FROM EARTH Your trainer will also be happy to help you. Talk to him, explain how you feel and what you are afraid of. A good coach will help you relax and focus not on fears, but on training. SENSE OF SAFETY Make it as comfortable as possible for you. For example, you are afraid to ride on the platform – you work out in the arena. It is not comfortable for you to train when there are many horses in the arena – plan your training so that you train in an empty arena. A horse scares you, and you understand that you cannot overcome your fear – find a horse that will instill confidence in you. BACK TO BASICS Start from the very beginning. Sometimes this can be the best course of action, especially after a long break due to injury. There is nothing wrong with lunging, finding for the first time for training a training horse that will be absolutely safe. The main thing – do not rush. Set achievable goals for yourself. They don’t have to be big or complicated – for example, a cantering circle in both directions can be a great achievement. It’s up to you how fast or slow you move, and by setting yourself one or two small goals to work towards, you can stay motivated and focused. Take your time. It takes a long time to get back in shape, try not to overdo it as it will only slow down your progress. This applies not only to you, but also to your horse. SHARE Share your feelings with others so you can get the support you need. Chatting with a friend can also be helpful. Perhaps he has had a similar experience and can offer some valuable advice. CUSTOM SOLUTIONS Try what works for you, even if it’s not the traditional way to feel more confident on a horse. Sing songs, remember nursery rhymes, keep count of the horses of which color are more in the arena. The main goal is to distract from disturbing thoughts, calm down and enjoy communication with the horse.

  • MakeMore 14 February 2021 city

    After this, it’s better to change the saddle to a computer chair and start taking the first steps to make money on the Internet, and leave this hobby to someone else … if you don’t know where to start, then you can try entering captcha here / a fairly common type of side job. Response

  • How to get back into the saddle after...
    SSOshnik 26 February 2021 city

    Enough ads… Reply

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