How to Feed a Yorkshire Terrier: Tips and Tricks
Yorkshire terriers are lap dogs, small and very cute. These dogs are often given birth, they are very fond of children and get along well with them. For a long and healthy life, dogs need proper nutrition and special care. Since the breed is small in size, they have a very delicate digestive system. The pancreas and liver are the weakest organs. Before buying a dog of this breed, it is recommended to study all the features related to nutrition. These dogs have certain rules that are unique to this breed. If you know and adhere to these rules, then the beauty and health of your pet will be preserved for many years.
It is strictly forbidden to feed Yorkshire terriers from the common table, it is necessary to cook for them separately. The dog can be fed with special prepared food intended for this breed, or natural.
Yorkshire Terrier Diet
Ready feed can be of two types:
- canned food for dogs;
- dry food.
Opinions about dry food differ: some veterinarians are against this type of feeding, others consider this food to be quite complete and acceptable. The advantage of dry food is the hygienic side of the issue: the dog will not stain the apartment and yourself, dry food is convenient for traveling and can be bought for future use. Yorkies may develop stomach problems and tartar, and may begin to develop dental disease. Therefore, many veterinarians still advise using canned dog food as food. If the Yorkshire Terrier eats only dry food, then a bowl of water should always be in sight.
Large dry food companies group their products by breed and by weight.
In canned food for dogs, unlike dry food, a large amount of water. They contain vegetables, meat, cereals and all the necessary trace elements and vitamins. The pet will receive a balanced diet and there is no need for additional supplements. In a refrigerator opening canned food should not be kept more than a day. Before you give your dog such food, you need to carefully study the expiration date of the product.
On nutrition, it is recommended to consult with the breeder from whom the dog will be bought. If he fed the dog ready-made food, you should find out the brand and whether it was ready-made food or canned food. It is desirable to use the same brand of food in the future, and it should be gradually transferred to another one: in small quantities, mixing with the old one. Do not mix canned food and dry food. It is also not recommended to combine prepared food and natural. You can’t save on a pet, you need to buy premium food, otherwise, from bad and cheap food, problems regarding the health of the dog may begin. You need to choose food that is designed for small breeds or directly for Yorkshire terriers.
Feeding with natural food
What to feed a dog besides ready-made food? Very often, the owners themselves prepare natural food for their dogs. It has its advantages:
- food is cheap
- does not contain preservatives;
- there is always confidence in the quality of the food.
Regardless of what kind of natural products the Yorkie eats, the dog must additionally receive minerals and vitamins. It is recommended to ask your veterinarian for advice, he will advise which drugs to give your pet.
In order for the diet to be balanced, it is necessary to include cereals, vegetables and meat in a ratio of 1: 1: 2, that is, meat or other protein foods should be fifty percent, and cereals and vegetables twenty-five percent each. Fatty meat should not be given to a dog; turkey, chicken, veal and rabbit are ideal. No more than once a week allowed to give by-productssuch as the lungs, heart, or liver. The meat can be scalded a little with boiling water, but it is recommended to eat it raw.
Buckwheat and rice are the best of all cereals. It takes a long time to cook cereals. Yorkies can eat almost all vegetables. The exception is radish, beans and cabbage. You can give vegetables both raw and boiled, also it is allowed to season them with a few drops of oilbut only vegetable. Before feeding, all products should be mixed. Food should be prepared without any seasonings and salt, it is not recommended to store it in the refrigerator, it is better to prepare new food every day.
Foods You Shouldn’t Feed Your Yorkshire Terrier
Often there are questions about what food is forbidden for Yorkies, because the dogs are small and delicate and not all food is able to digest. Rule one: the dog must not be given anything from his table. Products containing salt or seasonings, fat or smoked products Can cause your pet to lose their sense of smell, allergies, or severe intestinal inflammation. From one time, perhaps nothing will happen to the dog, however, if you do not follow the nutrition of the Yorkie and feed him everything, serious health problems will arise and you will have to go to the veterinary clinic.
The following foods are strictly forbidden to include the Yorkshire Terrier in the diet:
- seasonings of any kind;
- freshwater and oily fish, as well as fish in which there are small bones;
- fatty meats, especially pork and lamb;
- any smoked products and all types of sausages, sausages and ham;
- pasta, bread and other products from cereals and wheat;
- broths and juices;
- hollow and sharp bones, especially those of a bird;
- fatty cheese;
- raw chicken protein;
- radish, beans, peas and cabbage.
Food allergies in Yorkshire Terriers
This breed is very allergic, so the following foods should be excluded from the dog’s diet:
- oatmeal and pearl barley;
- eggs;
- red meat;
- chocolate;
- dairy;
- pork.
Terriers do not like the following fermented milk products:
- ryazhenka;
- infidel;
- yogurt.
Despite this, it is sometimes recommended to add cottage cheese to the dog’s diet. Yorkshire Terriers sometimes eat dried apricots, raisins and prunes. These products contain a lot of potassium, iron, manganese and vitamins, which help to improve metabolic processes.
A few food rules.
- Food should be selected easily digestible, and minerals and vitamins should be given only in the correct proportions.
- If there is an excess of protein in the diet, the dog may cause kidney problemsand some are allergic.
- Not all dogs of this breed are allergic, so you need to choose the food yourself, based on the individuality of the dog’s body.
Looking at the Yorkie, it is hard to imagine that once this decorative and glamorous dog hunted rats perfectly. This breed is still distinguished by liveliness, playfulness, courage and cheerfulness. For dog food must be taken very seriously: food that is suitable, for example, for divers and sheep dogs, is absolutely not suitable for a miniature Yorkshire terrier, whose weight is only two or three kilograms. Dogs should be fed according to individual needs.
We hope that we helped with the answer to the question of what to feed the Yorkshire Terrier, and we will be glad to see you again on our project.