How to feed a house spider
Spiders are animals with external digestion, which is quite long in duration. How do they eat? Spiders first immobilize their prey and only then inject digestive juice into it. After a while they eat it.
Spiders eat various kinds of insects, or small animals. A small spider can be fed fruit flies, crickets, etc. If the spider is still strong, has become large, then you can feed it with grasshoppers and large crickets. It must be remembered that they should not be given large amounts of food. If you have chosen food for your pet, then it should be 1/4 or 1/3 the size of the total body size of the spider.
Remember that spiders rarely eat, so do not get carried away because it will be superfluous. It is enough to feed them 1 time in 1-1.5 weeks, but this is if you already have an adult spider. Small young spiders can be fed 2 times a week.
When your Pet has eaten, remove the food that is left. It is very common for spiders to refuse food for a while, but this is normal. As a rule, they do not want to eat and this is due to molting. You just need to change the conditions a bit by raising the temperature in the room. If the spider does not want to eat at all, feed it after 3-7 days.
Most of all, spiders love to eat cockroaches. This is a very economical option. Approximately 2-3 cockroaches are enough for a spider. It is important to know that these pets can starve for months (if it is an adult spider). Conversely, they may eat more food before breeding.
Be sure to change the water for the spider. It must be fresh, clean, boiled or settled. Pour the water into a small bowl, about the size of a jar lid, for him to drink comfortably.
Where to buy spider food? It’s simple. You can buy food in the market or in a pet store. Food from various insects. They can be thrown into a jar so that they are stored longer and fed with bread crumbs.