How to choose a toilet-house for a cat?
Care and Maintenance

How to choose a toilet-house for a cat?

How to choose a toilet-house for a cat?

The choice of a cat tray often becomes a headache for the owner, especially if the pet appeared in the house not so long ago. One option is a cat toilet. What are its advantages?

  • Closed trays look aesthetically pleasing, no one sees their contents;

  • Some cats feel more comfortable in a closed space, “without prying eyes”;

  • Closed trays retain odor.

What are the?

There are two types of closed toilets. The first is a simple design that consists of a pallet and a lid. Such a toilet is cheaper, but it does not block smell well.

The second type is a closed toilet with a filter. Filters come in different types, the most popular is carbon. Such trays are more expensive, but they do not allow the smell to spread throughout the house. Usually one filter is enough for four months, provided that one cat lives in the apartment.

What to look for when choosing a closed tray?

  1. Pet’s age. An enclosed litter box is not the best accessory for a kitten under five months of age. Such a toilet will most likely be too large for him. For the first time, it is better to take an open tray, created specifically for babies. Their sides are smaller, so it is more convenient for kittens to climb inside.

  2. Cat size. The love of these pets, even for the cramped and smallest boxes, is known, perhaps, to every owner. But in the case of the toilet, this rule does not work. The tray should be of such a size that the pet can freely turn around inside it and stand up to its full height. Some manufacturers offer a whole range of sizes, where the largest tray is for large cats, including the Maine Coon breed.

  3. Tray space. Closed trays take up more space than their non-lidded counterparts. This should be taken into account when choosing an accessory. If there is not enough space, take a closer look at the corner model. They are suitable for small spaces.

  4. Ergonomics and ease of use. Before buying, be sure to check the chosen model: try to remove and connect the tray and cover several times, design the tray door and estimate how wide it is. If you are buying a toilet for a six-month-old kitten, keep in mind that he will still grow up. Pay attention to the materials from which the tray is made. Plastic should be safe and of high quality, it should not leave traces of cat claws when buried.

How to teach?

The most common problem after buying a closed litter box is getting your pet used to it. There is no clear scheme, each owner is guided by the nature of his pet. But here are some tips that might help:

  • First you need to remove the tray door so that the cat gets used to the lid and the new enclosed space;

  • If she refuses to go inside the structure, you will have to remove the cover. Let him get used to the new pallet. You can also try to cover the old toilet with a lid from the new tray;

  • Be sure to pour some of the filler from the old toilet into the purchased tray – so the cat will understand what the new accessory is for;

  • After the cat has adapted to the closed tray, you can replace the door. Show your pet how this mechanism works. Wait until he enters and exits the tray on his own;

  • Some experienced owners advise removing the tray door at night and at a time when no one is at home. It happens that a cat that is not yet accustomed to the door has difficulty entering the tray-house.

Photo: Collection

December 12 2018

Updated: February 6, 2019

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